Diamond Member
There have been a lot of rumors and leaks surrounding this year's Pixel 4a, and it looks like the phone could be released this month. All you have to do is a quick Google /browser search and you can easily find & see all of the leaked specs, pictures, details, etc.; so I won't post any links here. The only thing we don't yet really know for sure (other than the exact release date) is whether there will be a Pixel 4a and Pixel 4a XL. Most rumors indicate that there will only be a 4a and no 4a XL. But other rumors still suggest 2 sizes. If the 4a is anywhere close to the rumored specs and design in leaked pics I think it's going to be an awesome device; especially if they keep the price at under $400 as rumored. After buying a Pixel 3a XL for my wife I was truly impressed; and I think Google hit it our of the park with the 3a. It's hard not to like a pure Android phone, with most of the Pixel bells & whistles, for < $400.00. What are your thoughts? Are you, or someone you know, interested in the Pixel 4a or planning on buying one?