Portrait to landscape


Nov 20, 2009
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Wow takes forever to go from portrait screen to landscape screen. Anybody have any answers?

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Just the way it is. :/ Doesnt take forever but i know what u mean. Mine does it and my little brother nexus does it. I also experience lagging on typing in landscape mode.

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There's a rom that lets you adjust the speed already, but Google will most likely include a time setting to adjust it on stock with an update if you wish to wait.
Yes it does take awhile and Google is aware of it. Whether they're working on a fix or not I'm not sure.

There are ROMs out there that have addressed this problem.
you would think that the people testing these devices out before they release them a yr ago would notice? I mean if 3rd party dev can knock it out in a few weeks why didnt Google fix it? someone drop the ball for sure. Im not sure what the tester do. every time a rumor phone comes out, there are leak shots of the phone from testers months before it arrived at retail. do they even test it to the fullest or do they just go 'cool' let me leak some images and call it a day?
you would think that the people testing these devices out before they release them a yr ago would notice? I mean if 3rd party dev can knock it out in a few weeks why didnt Google fix it? someone drop the ball for sure. Im not sure what the tester do. every time a rumor phone comes out, there are leak shots of the phone from testers months before it arrived at retail. do they even test it to the fullest or do they just go 'cool' let me leak some images and call it a day?

Amen.... I've been saying this for years but everyone, at least on here, is so accepting of problems there is no incentive for Google to fix them before production.

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Amen.... I've been saying this for years but everyone, at least on here, is so accepting of problems there is no incentive for Google to fix them before production.

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Products in this industry always release with bugs. It's impossible to release something perfect because you never know how it will truly react until it's in thousands of people's hands.

They test for as long as they can, but they have to get phones out before it's dated. If they waited until everything was perfect, another company could have a better product on the horizon. So time is always a big factor, which results in cutting corners. Sadly, like all companies, money is the most important factor and they can't risk losing any with extended test periods and missed release opportunities.
Same goes for PC games. They kick the game out with bugs and then release updates to fix said bugs! That's been going on since the late 90's.
While I agree because I would in an industry that pride on innovation and first to market but this problem should have been instant if one of the tester just type in landscape maybe on his/ her second day. Lol if it takes a yr to do some coding while it only take some of the community dev a few weeks then Google need better dev. Apparently the Google interview test thing they do ain't weeding out the bad dev. :D

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