Possessed Dialing??


Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
A new problem since updating my DX2 to GB. When I hang up on any call, the phone randomly dials another number from my contacts list. When I hung up from talking to my wife, it was already calling my daughter. When I hung up from talking to tech support for my laptop, it called a family friend. Is anyone else seeing this and how do you fix this???
I had phantom button pushes on my first DX, warrantied it for that reason. Have not experienced it at all on the DX2 yet, and I have had MANY other problems.

p.s. I love "Motorola Matt"'s response to you for this issue on the support forums: Unauthorized charger. FFS, like a Motorola charger somehow delivers electrons better than those dirty aftermarket ones.
Yea that's usually caused by a charger putting the wrong voltages through the phone or by water on the screen. I live in Arkansas so in the summer the humidity used to cause my D1 to do that all the time

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In NJ it is humid, but I'm in the AC so the humidity isn't an issue. I just think it's possessed.

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Can you wipe dalvik & cache in recovery? Or maybe under settings menu, wipe the cache/data of the dialer apk.

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No luck on this and many other problems with this garbage they call a phone! I am filing complaints against Verizon and Motorola, since neither is competent to fix their own mistakes. Neither even has the guts to return calls and emails! Both companies SUCK!!!!

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