Problem registering my Verizon Galaxy Nexus


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Jan 20, 2010
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Hey guys. Quick question. I just got my new Galaxy Nexus two days ago. So far i am loving it. But I noticed you could go onto Samsung's web site and register your phone and extend the factory warranty for 3 extra month. However at the part where it ask for the serial number I key it in and it says not the correct number. I am using the number that is located under the battery and also noticed that its matches what is on the box. One thing I did notice is this phone came with 4.0.2 already installed. Also the base-band version is .10. The mfg date is 11.12. I purchased this phone at Costco and noticed it was in a brand new box and everything inside looked to new to me. Also everything was still wrapped in plastic. There is not a chance that this is a refurbished phone is it? I only ask that because I just saw the thread posted a couple of hours ago about avoiding buying phones from 3rd party outfits. Has anyone else been successful with registering this phone through Samsung?

I purchased my Nexus the second day after introduction. Purchased two in fact, on Friday - Dec. 16, 2012 at a Verizon Corporate store.

One updated to 4.0.2 during activation and the other about an hour later.

The first phone (the one that updated during activation) took what seemed like forever to activate - at least 20-minutes from what I recall. It may have been longer than 20-minutes as while I was waiting, I played with the Nexus on display.

I remember reading somewhere that the update was to take place OTA at the time of introduction, and I mentioned this to the rep as a possible reason why it was taking so long to activate. He didn't know anything about 4.0.2 update admitting that the staff was not up to speed yet on this brand new model.

The first phone did update before I left the store, with the second one updating sometime after I got to work - I figure about one hour or so after I left the store.
Hey guys. Quick question. I just got my new Galaxy Nexus two days ago. So far i am loving it. But I noticed you could go onto Samsung's web site and register your phone and extend the factory warranty for 3 extra month. However at the part where it ask for the serial number I key it in and it says not the correct number. I am using the number that is located under the battery and also noticed that its matches what is on the box. One thing I did notice is this phone came with 4.0.2 already installed. Also the base-band version is .10. The mfg date is 11.12. I purchased this phone at Costco and noticed it was in a brand new box and everything inside looked to new to me. Also everything was still wrapped in plastic. There is not a chance that this is a refurbished phone is it? I only ask that because I just saw the thread posted a couple of hours ago about avoiding buying phones from 3rd party outfits. Has anyone else been successful with registering this phone through Samsung?


To be honest, I hadn't even thought of doing that. I'll give a try and let you know. I bought mine in December so I might be too late to register.
Yeah...I forgot about this too. I just tried registering and used the Serial Number in the "About Phone" Section. It tells me it's the wrong serial number as well.
Hmm I'll have to try registering mine as well. As for your phone not being new, I've read that the .10 baseband which you're on, comes with 4.0.2 out of the box. That would mean your phone should be completely new. I'm not 100% sure on that though.

Edit: I just tried to register on the Samsung website and I get the same thing, it tell me the serial number is invalid.

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