Problem with image quality after exporting to PC


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I noticed when browsing through pictures I've taken in the gallery, it shows them blurry initially then sharpens them after a second. When I connect by USB and copy images off the camera onto my PC, I get the crappy, blurry versions of pictures.

Is there a way to download the processed, sharpened version of pictures?? I wouldn't post the blurry ones even on facebook... they're that terrible.

Is there no way to get the sharper images onto the PC?
The blurry one to sharp is just the phone loading it as a placeholder image IMO, then you see the one you took.

I haven't been able to replicate that on mine, my photos from the SD card look great on the PC.

I suggest you take it to a VZ store, tkae a pic, and have a rep xferr it to a pc there for comparison. if it does it to them, they might just replace it for you.
The slideshow on DROID sucks. All it shows is the initial blurry picture,
it never gets clear. I increased the interval to the max available
thinking it might not be getting enough time to load it, which it
should (preload next image). I mean how difficult it can be?
Might as well not have the feature! Looks like they added this
feature just to have it "tick" marked that we have it!

It worked perfectly on my perfect STORM! Even the transition
on the STORM was so smooth and pleasing to eyes unlike

Also you can not slide the pictures manually to left or right.
In order to move to the next or previous picture, you need
to touch the screen, wait for those funny obscuring stuff to
show up and exactly touch the arrow! How ridiculous!
Alright, I'll take it in to a store and see if it's the phone's problem or if I just can't take good pictures.