Problems I'm experiencing


Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
I've had a few random power offs, I've also been experiencing headphone crackle when I put the screen to sleep,let love the phone, but I'm a music junkie and I seem to be the only person experiencing the headphone problem, so I'm considering an exchange at Verizon for another Nexus, anyone else experiencing these problems?

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I think I saw someone else have the crackle issue with touch sounds active. Do you have touch sounds checked? If so, try unchecking them and see if it stops the crackle.

As for random reboots, it's harder to diagnose, but usually it's an app that's not compatible with ICS and causes a memory error with an instant reboot following the error.
Listen to music all the time and haven't had the problem. I use Google Music and also some music that i transferred onto the phone and can't emulate your problem. Definitely would take it back to Verizon to try and get another unit. Also does it crackle at all volumes?
Yeah, touch sounds didn't help, thanks for the suggestion though. Crackle at all volumes using headphones provided and a some new ones.

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Haven't had any issues with that, weird.

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Yeah, touch sounds didn't help, thanks for the suggestion though. Crackle at all volumes using headphones provided and a some new ones.

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And the headphones are all the way in? I ask this because in my car I have an aux jack and didn't put it in all the way the first couple of times, it was like 3/4 in and it was already secure, but it just needed to be pushed in a bit more to stop the crackling.

You should be able to emulate the problem easily to a store rep and they should get you a new one on the spot.
Tested it using the headphones that came with it, couldn't reproduce the crackle at max volume or mid volume. I'm using the stock music player, how about that, which music player are you using?
I would say get it swapped out. It COULD also be the connector you are using on your headphones. I say this only because I was using a cheap radio shack 1/8in on my iPod and it used to crackle all the time, then I spent a few extra bucks and got a gold plated jack and it made a world of difference.

If your headphones are old or beat up this could also be the cause.. now if you have tried it with other connectors then disregard my post completely and trade it in.
Was using winamp, suspected that was the problem, uninstalled and still have problems is stock music player. Definitely all the way in using both headphones that came with it and new headphones.

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Was using winamp, suspected that was the problem, uninstalled and still have problems is stock music player. Definitely all the way in using both headphones that came with it and new headphones.

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Yeah bro, get it swapped out!
Bring that to the store with both sets of headphones. This happened to me as well with my OG Droid and they replaced it, but had to wait as it was coming through the mail instead.
Before I took it to the store I tried a factory reset and all appears to be well now.

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