Problems with camera on latest kangerade?


Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, I'm wondering if anybody else has been having any problems with the latest camera focusing? I tried messing with the settings and then restoring them to default.

The camera takes great pics close up but gets very blury at anything over ~3 feet. pics in the dark are just a flat out no go, with flash enabled, I get about half the picture seriously the bottom half gets blacked out (no, my finger was not blocking the lens). like I said I tried messing with the auto focus settings along with the light source, exposure and focus.

I took it into the verizon store (the two tech guys thought it was cool that i was a "rooter" and running 2.2 prettyy much made my day) and thought it was probably a software issue.

Id post in the help and support section but the personal life lately has made it a litttle too hard to find time to swift through and find replies/answers, so hoping somebody can help me out here. Thanks!
I used my camera for the first time last night on froyo and I agree, the camera went to sh**. I was on vacation last month and took almost 300 pictures of which 75% rivaled my wifes new 9MP camera but now it snaps pics that make an off brand 1.3MP kids play camera look stunning.
No issues here, on 5.0.9 DX-themed Kangerade.

Just snapped some shots of the backyard and neighbors' houses, then some room shots within my home, all are clear and crisp. Default settings. Sorry.
Weird. I'm on the blue one by the way. Vaden, does yours work well up-close? like if i took my hand and put it infront of the cam its amazing, but taking a pic of a house would look like you said, worse than the toy 1.3 cam
I'm on the blue one as well, and have noticed my pics are very grainy since the install. tried messing with settings but to no avail...
Yeah, I even added the camera from kangerade 1.1 to 5.0.9 which hasn't made a difference. bummer :-(
my pics are definitely a little grainy. not too bad, but not as good as when i first got the phone...