PSX rom .bin files not moving to Xoom Internal Storage


New Member
Jul 27, 2011
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I'm a noob at this kind of stuff, so I'm assuming there's an obvious answer to solving this problem, but I have been trying all day to get at least 1 PSX Rom onto my Xoom. I have Windows XP, and whenever I try moving one of the .bin files I have dragged into unecm.exe into my PSX folder in my Xoom internal storage, the copying file progress bar freezes. I've looked at many tutorials and have done exactly what they have told me to do. Maybe if one of you could tell me exactly step by step what you did to install one working rom, I could figure this out myself. (Not trying to be a douche fag or anything but I am very frustrated with this and just want a PS1 game on my Xoom for a road trip tomorrow.) If anyone could help me, that would be great. pls help thx bboys