PSX4Droid => General Discussion


Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
The Playstation Emulator is almost done. the maker of SNesoid confirmed this he has been wokring on this emulator for awhile now. The only problem seems to be the emulator will not load games... but hey its a start. He first wants to finish a cheat app for SNesoid before he put his full effort into completeing the emulator then he will complete the playstation app. On this thread i will update you once a week usually on a thursday or monday. Mainly because I want to let work and not bother him.
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...The only problem seems to be the emulator will not load games...

Hmmm...seems like a big problem for an emulator app...;)

J/K. That would be awesome...especially since S*NY decided not to make the PS3 backwards compatipable. Yes...compatipable.
Awesome dude!! :D have you got a source though? :)

yeah he emailed me. i emailed him again but just a couple of minutes ago i will put up the emails once he emails me back
i think its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from almost done :D. let us see who releases the first psx emu zod or this guy :).
I emailed him asking about a release date but he hasnt said anything other than soon. i would guess by the end of the month and I would gladly say that Yhong Zang will finish the emulator before Zodttd. just because zodttd has much less knowledge with android developing but he did do the palm pre pretty quickly... Lets just hope someone get the job done
agree. the important thing is that we finally get one :). cant wait.
Psx is very very old system from 1996. You dont have to oc your droid for a emulation of it.for n64 it would make sense cause n64 has 64 bit and 66mhz. But psx just has 33mhz and 32 bit. The 3430 haves much power per mhz. The cortex a8 nearly doubles the speed of an arm11 for example. The 550 mhz droid with cortex a8 is as fast as a n97 nokia would be with a 1ghz arm11.
Psx is very very old system from 1996. You dont have to oc your droid for a emulation of it.for n64 it would make sense cause n64 has 64 bit and 66mhz. But psx just has 33mhz and 32 bit. The 3430 haves much power per mhz. The cortex a8 nearly doubles the speed of an arm11 for example. The 550 mhz droid with cortex a8 is as fast as a n97 nokia would be with a 1ghz arm11.
Right on! Don't need to burn down my battery quite as fast then while re living some classic games :D