pulled apk and changed, but don't know how to push


New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Hi, I apologize ahead of time if this question has popped up in the forum before. I searched for a while, but could not find exactly what I needed. I am attempting to change the icons on a few of the stock and non stock apps on my droid x. I can pull the apk from the system/app folder, but cannot push it back on so that it will stick. Having looked through the forums I have seen many people write about mounting, and being in recovery mode, but I am not sure how to do these. I would like to know how to do the process from the cmd line if possible (without using apps to do it for me). thanks
update: astro cannot recognize changed apk's

So I have been able to push an apk to my system/app/ folder. However, when I find it in Astro and hit "open file manager" all the statistics are blank, and there is not install option. The steps I have taken are as follows: 1) pulled the apk from the system/app folder to my desktop. 2) changed the file to a zip file, and opened it. 3) switched the old icon inside the res folder for the new one that I would like to use. kept the name of the icon the same. 4) zip file and push back to the system/app/ folder. 5) changed the name in astro from app.zip to app.apk. Astro recognizes that the file is an apk, but has no other information about it. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks
i know that unzipping an .apk can remove the signature. once that happens (especially if it is a system app) the phone will no longer recognize it. sometimes it will even not show up in the app drawer. the way i have been theming my apps is with apk manager. it's a relatively easy to use program that will pull, extract, resign, and push apps back to your phone. just be sure to read the instructions in the thread and follow them. you can find it here:

Apk Manager 4.9 - Makes Modifying Ur Apk A Breeze (Windows/Linux) - xda-developers
Thanks for the help, but I'm still running into an issue. When I run the script for apk manager I get the message "The program sox is missing or is not in your PATH,
please install it or fix your PATH variable". Where can I find this program? Also, the directions are a little vague on what exactly I should do with the program. I am hoping that this will become more clear if I can get the script to run.
sorry i can't really help with that error message. you downloaded the correct version for your OS, right? maybe try downloading again. i can help you once you get it to running if you need it.
ok, I have got the script running. I can pull the file that I would like to change, but when I press extract, the script prints "./Script.sh: line 33: /Users/*****/Desktop/apk_manager_linux_4.7/other/7za: cannot execute binary file". I cannot figure out why the script would say this, as I chmod'd the files before hand. Any suggestions?
in re-reading your error, i noticed that that the .apk is on your dektop. i think it is supposed to be in the 'place apk for modding here file' inside the apk manager folder. again, i don't use linux so the process may be different than windows, but that's where the .apks go for me. once unzipped it will be in the projects folder.