Putting Iphone in its place?


New Member
Dec 8, 2009
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One very common complaint I hear about the droid (moto) and I can agree, is the texting. More specifically, the qwerty touch screen and its delay in the typing. I've heard that its because the keyboard lacks multitouch meaning you have to touch and release every key before pushing the next, slowing the speed you can type. I was just curious if this was something on the list of "hey, we love you and were fixing this currently!"or if its on the agenda at all? :)
Well I don't know about everyone else but the texting on my Droid is much faster and more responsive than my iPhone was.
i don't feel any sense of lag when texting, i've gotten pretty used to it to where i don't even have to look at the screen sometimes, it's great!:icon_ banana:
One very common complaint I hear about the droid (moto) and I can agree, is the texting. More specifically, the qwerty touch screen and its delay in the typing. I've heard that its because the keyboard lacks multitouch meaning you have to touch and release every key before pushing the next, slowing the speed you can type. I was just curious if this was something on the list of "hey, we love you and were fixing this currently!"or if its on the agenda at all? :)

No offense, but what does this have to do with putting the iPhone in its place?

However, sticking with the subject matter, coming from the Blackberry Storm, I find NO issues with typing speed. Plus, I've got a physical keyboard if I ever need to type out a message under a certain time limit.

Example: 30 seconds left on bomb timer, cut red or blue?
Yeah coming for the Storm I would have to say that both keyboards are superior as far as speed is concerned.
One very common complaint I hear about the droid (moto) and I can agree, is the texting. More specifically, the qwerty touch screen and its delay in the typing. I've heard that its because the keyboard lacks multitouch meaning you have to touch and release every key before pushing the next, slowing the speed you can type. I was just curious if this was something on the list of "hey, we love you and were fixing this currently!"or if its on the agenda at all? :)

No offense, but what does this have to do with putting the iPhone in its place?

However, sticking with the subject matter, coming from the Blackberry Storm, I find NO issues with typing speed. Plus, I've got a physical keyboard if I ever need to type out a message under a certain time limit.

Example: 30 seconds left on bomb timer, cut red or blue?
I actually am saying this in response to a video id seen in which the author demonstrated the difference between the two keyboards. And while I do believe he was clearly biased he did make me wonder and when I borrowed my friends iPhone to test the texting, I could definitely notice a difference.

Here's a link to the video if you have any additonal insight:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.