Question about ROMs and MotoBlur


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Premium Member
Nov 17, 2009
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I was wondering if any of the ROMs will allow you to use the account function of the facebook app from the market instead of the one provided by MotoBlur.

I don't like that the MotoBlur facebook blocks the market app because it syncs every face contact you have instead of just syncing facebook information to the contacts you already have in your phone. I'm for the most part a facebook snob and don't add people just to add people but even then that doesn't mean I want everyone of my facebook contacts on my phone.

I'm used to the Droid 1 and this is the only thing about motoblur on the Droid 2 that I don't like.

I did do some searching and it seems like a lot of people don't like the MotoBlur version of facebook either but I have actually found anything on what I'm asking. I seen where people wanted to completely remove motoblur but even if that's possible I never seen anyone say that to return functionality to the market facebook app.
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I've heard good things about Syncmypix but haven't used it personally because I'm still on the D1

DroidForums junkie!!
I've heard good things about Syncmypix but haven't used it personally because I'm still on the D1

DroidForums junkie!!

I thought about that but syncmypix doesn't sync the rest of there facebook information like their status updates, phone numbers, and email.
It was also quite handy on the droid 1 that if someone added you on facebook you could just type their name in the contacts list and it would pull their phone number from facebook if they had it listed.

Another reason I don't want motoblur is that I have some friends that have multiple accounts to feed their farmville addiction to which I've added to my facebook to help them acquire more in their games. Well it pulls those alternate accounts into my contact list as well.
Have you looked into ROMs like ApeX or Fission. Supposed to get as blurless as possible or as much as you want. I don't know too much though I've only got my d1

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Have you looked into ROMs like ApeX or Fission. Supposed to get as blurless as possible or as much as you want. I don't know too much though I've only got my d1

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I looked at some of those. I actually just installed Squidly to my phone because I seen a command in his gscript to remove facebook but it seems as though that didn't do the trick for me. After running the command it still blocks my market facebook app. I am thinking about trying another ROM but I just wanted to ask on the forums to see if anyone knew before I spent all day installing different ROMs just to find out none of them do what I wanted.

I think while I'm waiting to see what people tell me on this thread I will trying installing Fission to see if that does what I wanted it too.

It's really a shame that Squidly's ROM didn't do it, because I really like it. I think if it turns out that what I want to do isn't possible I will be return to that ROM.

With the amount of people that complain about the motoblur blocking the market app I might try and offer some money or something to whoever can figure out how to unblock it.
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I've heard Squidlymandingo's ROM is beast! Still the fb issue may still remain (stupid Blur)! Look for Spaz33g and ask him, I've yet to run across anyone who knows the D2 better than he does!

Have you looked into ROMs like ApeX or Fission. Supposed to get as blurless as possible or as much as you want. I don't know too much though I've only got my d1

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I looked at some of those. I actually just installed Squidly to my phone because I seen a command in his gscript to remove facebook but it seems as though that didn't do the trick for me. After running the command it still blocks my market facebook app. I am thinking about trying another ROM but I just wanted to ask on the forums to see if anyone knew before I spent all day installing different ROMs just to find out none of them do what I wanted.

I think while I'm waiting to see what people tell me on this thread I will trying installing Fission to see if that does what I wanted it too.

It's really a shame that Squidly's ROM didn't do it, because I really like it. I think if it turns out that what I want to do isn't possible I will be return to that ROM.

With the amount of people that complain about the motoblur blocking the market app I might try and offer some money or something to whoever can figure out how to unblock it.

DroidForums junkie!!
I've heard Squidlymandingo's ROM is beast! Still the fb issue may still remain (stupid Blur)! Look for Spaz33g and ask him, I've yet to run across anyone who knows the D2 better than he does!

DroidForums junkie!!

I'll keep his name in mind if I have questions for sure.

I actually got Fission to do what I wanted it to do :D
No more crappy MotoBlur blocking the market facebook app.

But if anyone knows any other ways to remove/disable the motoblur so that the market facebook app can do all the syncing for facebook I'd still appreciate about those other methods.

Really appreciate you guys replying so fast and the communities willingness to help because of that I became a forum supporter and sent a donation to team fission since it was their ROM that fixed my problem :)
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If you have extra cash laying around, be sure to donate to them. It takes a lot of time to develop.
If you have extra cash laying around, be sure to donate to them. It takes a lot of time to develop.

Already ahead of you. Sent moniez to Fission and became a forum supporter yesterday.