New Member
I have searched and looked at a few of the threads on here and I have been to the Motorola site, but there is something I am baffled about. On the Motorola site it says they will not repair phones that have physical abuse(cracked screens). Is this true of all phones or only phones that they receive with a warranty claim? Okay guess I should enlighten as to why I am asking this question, I recently purchased a Droid Razr from eBay and the description says it has a cracked LCD and digitizer. I have now done my research and found out you have to buy them as one unit and the cheapest I found one was for $248.00 on eBay. Now I think I read on a post here or somewhere else that you can send it in and Motorola will replace it for $175.00 and this is where the question comes in, I want to know if they will actually repair the phone with me paying for it and how much it should cost. So if anyone has sent their phone to Motorola to get a lcd/digitizer replace OOW (out of warranty) how much did it cost and was there any hassle involved?