Question on the 'favorites' tab


New Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I searched and found little about this..
is there a way where I can stop having each call i make or receive going to the 'favorites' tab. Its a bit annoying having a list of people in a section where its suppose to have all my favorites only. Thats what favorites are for. I'M basically looking at my recent calls. I can just look at my call log tab..
any help would be great. thanks
Once you start "Starring" contacts, they will populate that and the recent calls are pushed down...
but its still there regardless
True...I've learned to ignore it
but its still there regardless
Are you sure they're on the Favorites list or do you mean the Frequently Called list, which is right under it (to easily access'em)?

My faves' don't go nowhere, always stay on top. :icon_ banana:

the list is frequently called list. my favorites are on top. buts its still pointless to have the frequent list. every call goes there. thats wut the call log is for..
iono im just picky
The Android developers must have thought it would be nice to have a frequently called list in addition to the Favorites. While you can delete the call log there is no way to clear the frequently called list. While I personally don't have a problem with it because I'm not married and I'm currently in-between girlfriends, I can certainty see where this was a very stupid decision on the part of the developers. If the code is already present to delete the call log log, it should have been implemented for the frequently called list too. Better yet a menu option to simply never display the calls at all. I've done some Java programming and this sort of thing is trivial, and yet it still isn't implemented in Android 2.1 despite all the complaints on this forum and others, including the Google/Android developers forum.
It's a bit rediculous to have a number on frquently called list that you have only called once, and perhaps it was even a wrong number. Big oversight for the droid....and no way to clear the stinkin list....ah...geeze.....
On my Ally LG I hit the name in the favorite section, view contact and then pushed on gold star in upper right corner. The star became grey and was no longer in the favorites section. To add a favorite go to contacts and push star in upper right corner to gold to add..