Question re Listing Contacts by Last Name


Aug 17, 2010
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As I understand it, FroYo will alphabetize contacts by last name. This little detail is present in other Droid phones, but in its wisdom Motorola or Verizon left it off the Blur they have.

Alphabetizing by first name works well for those with a few names, but those of us that use it for business may have several hundred names, or in my case over a thousand.

Is there an internal change or a hack that will allow contacts to alphabetize by last name, other than manually changing each or using Excel to do so? I do have Better Contacts, but it is really not the answer. Irritating that the option is not available...

Exactly my problem! In my MS Exchange server, contacts are Last, First. In HTC People, default is First Last. You can change each contact one by one by editint the contact and changing the Display name to Last, First. No way to make this change globally!!! Ugh!
Anyone have an app or fix?
Not that I know of, sorry.

If you have a ton of contacts this could be a problem. I go through and do it manually myself. Just putting last name first, then a (,) and then first name. I know that is super lame. But I don't see a "sort by option."

And if someone knows how to do it another way I would love to know myself:)

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Name Fixer App?

there used to be an app called Name Fixer but can't find it now. I lost when I upgraded to 2.2. It did globally change people contacts to Last, First name.

Anyone seen this app lately.