ran battery down to 20% for the first time...phone crashed immediately.


I could not find the setting for when it shuts down at certain battery percentages, is there such a setting or is it just a scam that it makes you think you have 20% left, but actually cannot use it......or what? Is my phone screwed up, or is this a common problem?

Buried in information since getting this device 6 weeks ago (droid razr maxx hd).

any info appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

No scam. Your battery needs calibrated. Charge it fully, let it discharge to 5% if it will go that far (ie until it dies). Charge it fully again, let it discharge to 5%. Repeat one more time for good measure. This should clear out the battery stats and reset them. Return for further questions. Good luck!

Oops, forgot to mention the important part. Make sure the phone is turned off when charging.
Tried running it down to recharge.....only made it to 26% before it crashed again! Came back up, but with trouble syncing up with HDMI display video, even though audio was playing. Installed SmartAction to manage battery life, but it is acting strangely any time the battery goes below 30 %, with my unit, anyway. It takes 11 hours of up time to get to 25 % , but the last 25% seems like more trouble than a feature, and was down to 4% in another hour (75%=11 hours, 20%= 1 hour; non linear). Anyone else seeing this, or is it my unit or a configuration problem, or what? Don't Beta testers usually get paid?
I would follow the directions above. Delete ANY battery management apps. Keep the phone off when charging if possible and run it until it dies. If that doesn't help have your carrier swap the unit if it's still under warranty.

Communicated from Atop The Beer Tent Capital of The World
It seems you are correct, sir!

After just one cycle of draining and recharging it has already increased my up time to 13 hours to reach 13%. I am trying it again and will let you know what effect it has. It also seemed to stop crashing as much, as the power gets low, but did crash once at about 17%.

Thanks to all who replied and make this community work!

Still crashes once in a while, like every computer I ever worked on, since 1974. Impossible to test every app with every other app which may be used together.

The more I learn about droid, the more I love it! The razt maxx hd is a work of art! An engineering feat that makes me proud that I actually worked for Motorola in the early 80's, when they acquired Four Phase Systems.

I put off buying a smart phone for years.......this phone made me get one immediately, and it is going to get even better, as the software evolves to meet the needs of the users!
No doubt that Droid Firefighter knows what he is talking about. After 2 discharge cycles down to 5% and recharging with the phone turned off, I am at 13h 32 min on battery and still have 53% left! It was down to 20% after 11 hours before, and was crashing when it got low. I am going to do it one more time for good measure, per your advice. Thanks for the big fix!!


No doubt that Droid Firefighter knows what he is talking about. After 2 discharge cycles down to 5% and recharging with the phone turned off, I am at 13h 32 min on battery and still have 53% left! It was down to 20% after 11 hours before, and was crashing when it got low. I am going to do it one more time for good measure, per your advice. Thanks for the big fix!!


It should get better, I get to 53% and generally have about 20 hrs of useage on mine. Yours just needs to be trained more for whatever reason.
Keeping it charged all of the time may be limiting battery life?

Since the phone was new, I never let the battery run down to less than 70 or 80 % , imagining that batteries have only so many charge/discharge cycles in them. It seems to have improved quite a bit since cycling it to 5% and back to 100% with the phone off, but I am still not getting the kind of up time some have been reporting to me. Either the unit is defective, or the instructions were/are incomplete.

Still love the phone though,....it makes the iphone look so sick!!!

Open Source Forever!!!

Battery life

Agreed, however; the way you use your phone is important.. Do you use the screen
a lot? Voice calls? Let us know the % of use is devoted to Screen Time, Voice Calls, etc.
Some people who report unreal battery life are not using the screen/internet/email,
or making many (2-3) hours, voice calls, etc.
My last cycle I only got 14 hours battery life, down to 5%, with 7 hours screen time and
2 hours voice calls.
Another factor: signal strength.
The battery calibration is very important, they ship with specific parameters and real life requires your specific parameters. Battery training/calibration is important.

If it's not HD it might as well be a newspaper.
Try using smart actions. I turn off background data from midnight to seven AM, reduce screen brightness down to half at night, wifi is auto on when I'm at home and work which cuts down on data use, and a few other things. Smart actions should help you squeak out that last little bit of up time for your battery. I'm happy to see the battery training worked for you. Once you are getting good up time you can leave these phone on to charge. My phone is my home phone as well so it's on 24/7 literally. If I turn my phone off its only long enough to restart it.