My last phone was the HTC evo 3D, which many say is very similar to the thunderbolt.. I feel that the HTC Evo 3d, was overall, a better phone
than the Razr M.. The only real things that the razr has over the evo, is that the razr's battery life is much better (8 or 9 hrs heavy usage), compared to the evo's (5 hrs). Also, the razr is thinner and and the razr's amoled screen has some awesome black levels,.. Now, what the evo, had over the razr m, is.. the evo,
has a true 4.3 screen, the screen is much clearer, and shows much more detail.. The evo had better call reception, (I drop more calls with my razr on Verizon, then I did with my evo on Sprint) ,, it also had more features, with the htc evo, you did not have to scroll from side to side to read articles online, the text wrapping feature on it, made it one of the best phones on the planet you could get for web surfing and reading articles online.. That being said, for what the razr costs, it's a very solid phone and a great choice..