Razr wont load Facebook pictures


New Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Just bought a droid razr today and in my droid x it loaded the facebook pictures with the person in the contacts and now the droid razr will only load a few of the pictures to the contacts... does anyone know how to fix this or is it the facebook app or faulty phone? please help:mad:
I had the same problem and I just ran the back up assistant app and it brought all the pics back from my facebook contacts phonme numbers and all...
I just got the Droid RAZR MAXX and am having the same problem.
I'd heard that Google was being a b**ch & blocking FB integration on certain phones, including my Samsung Galaxy Nexus....but I thought they were allowing it with the RAZR. Anybody have any additional information?
I just got the Droid RAZR MAXX and am having the same problem.
I'd heard that Google was being a b**ch & blocking FB integration on certain phones, including my Samsung Galaxy Nexus....but I thought they were allowing it with the RAZR. Anybody have any additional information?

So it's Google's fault? WTF? Google is starting to become like Apple.
Add an account

So it's Google's fault? WTF? Google is starting to become like Apple.

I had a similar issue. I needed to add the facebook account to the Settings > Accounts area. I could not get the facebook info to sync until I added the account there.

To be clear, I did not open the social media app and add the account there. I did it under the accounts area. It also took a little while for it to sync all the contacts, 10 minutes or so.