ADDITS headquarters received some upsetting news this week, so in response to that news, we are going to give one of our favorite themers a bit of a Theme Of The Week special. Since I reviewed his first theme chooser theme here 6 months ago, he’s done some pretty amazing “growing up” in the Android theme world. He’s dabbled in icons, themes, and blacking out apps. He’s worked with all of the theme developers we know and love, getting inspiration and ideas from them, as well as his surroundings. This theme we feature today was initially dreamed up while he was on vacation. Always thinking I suppose. In one review or another, I’ve said I enjoy the little things, and boy does he take note. His progression in the past 6 months has been impressive and I’m going to show you that now, by introducing his latest theme, Pushed.
(Continue Reading @ Android Dissected)
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