reception issue. please help!


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
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ok, let me start out by saying that everything seems to be working fine on my droid. i literally have not had one single problem with it EXCEPT the phone reception. i constantly drop calls. i rarely can make a call indoors. everyone else i know on verizon has full bars when i only have one. also, when i'm inside i get horrible 3g service.

is this just something that i can't do anything about? or is the OTA update going to address this problem?
Anyone? I've seen other people discuss it but I've yet to see an answer
You could always try doing a *228 on the phone and updating the roaming locations. That seemed to help me out when I first got my Droid.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunatly I've tried that and I still can't make a call or get 3g indoors.
I too have had horrible reception. Rarely more than one bar; I drop calls all the time. My non-smart Verizon phones have great reception in the same locations. three year old free motorola gets much better reception....the cutest apps and best screen don't mean diddly if the phone is lousy..after all, this is a phone..