Redeye for Android

I agree. If the earphone jack has connections for left, right, and common, maybe one channel is used to deliver power to the device and the other a signal that is then converted to infrared.... if it's anything close to that, then it's just a matter of putting the right signal inside your phone into the audio-out circuitry.

The hardware product would stay the same and you would just need software modified for Android.

And then you never have to use another 'universal remote' again! This brings back memories of grade school where people had those wristwatch-remotes...
It's a cool idea but I really prefer having tactile buttons on my universal remote. Unless you're single you'd probably want a remote anyway, unless you're planning on leaving your Droid around for others to use (unless they have their own Droids).

Are there any reviews for their app? Do you set up macros manually or they handled in the same way as the Harmony remotes?
RedEye device

Unlike the Harmony Remote, the program resides in the RedEye device, not in the hand held device. The hand held device is more like a terminal so the only software on that device is communications software. So it should be easily done on an Android device.

BTW my android device of choice for this purpose is Nook Color (rooted). It will stay in the home for reading books, email, and changing the channel.
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