Refresh battery stats


Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
On the original.droid when you unplugged it from power it eould reset the battery stats. The bionic does not do this. Anyone figure out how to reset the stats of what sucked the battery life after u charged the phone

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Mine resets every time I unplug it from the charger but it doesn't matter because they are not remotely accurate.
I like the fact that it doesn't reset the stats when you swap batteries. Isn't there some sort of serial # that can be read off the battery for this purpose?
press menu while looking at the detailed display of battery usage and tap "refresh" it'll start over.
press menu while looking at the detailed display of battery usage and tap "refresh" it'll start over.

Not! Didn't refresh for me.

why does screebl use so much of the battery? Is it perhaps a listing of the running time of apps and not the amount of battery usage?
yeah, seems like something is wrong
it says bluetooth is using 26% but i have BT turned off
also has "time on" of 8+ hours despite multiple on/off soft resets and plug/unplug
refresh does nothing