Remote Terminal Allows You To Execute Commands On Your Device Remotely via SMS!


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Oct 6, 2011
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As a Tech head you are probably the guy that everyone runs to for tech support. If someone is having an issue with their device you are always the one they call. The only trouble with helping folks out is that you often need to have their device in hand to do whatever is needed. Developer "RavinduSha" has created an app called Remote Terminal that will allow you to run commands on your devices shell without actually having the device on hand via text messages. This app can be used to pull logcats, create directories, or even delete stuff off the device remotely. This app does require ROOT access and if you decide to use it you will want to be sure to create a STRONG password since anyone who can get access to your device using this app would have full control over it. If this sort of thing interest you head to the source link below!
