Removing apk's from themes


Oct 17, 2010
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This might be a stupid question, as I know little about how themes are made. This is pretty general for any theme in a zip format. My question is: if I don't care for the themeing of a certain apk in the zip can it be unzipped, removed then re zipped then installed? Just curious.

So you like it without it being themed? Or you put a Theme on and don't use a app that you want to get rid of? Cause you don't need to unzip, take it out and zip it again. You could just rename the app like you would to get rid of bloatware.

And most Theme's say they "are NOT to be modified."
you can look around in most zip files for the apk you dont want themed. as chkmake said, most devs dont want you taking apart their themes so im not gonna get too specific
Thanks for the reply, to specify if I remove an apk out a zip will the theme still load correctly and use the existing apk instead of the one removed from the zip