Replacement Bionic...Round 2!...


Sep 13, 2011
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After my original Bionic, that I got on release day, died on the charger and wouldn't power back up last month, they sent me a "like new refurbished replacement." All seemed well after 1.5 weeks, so I slapped on my last Steinheil screen protector and today the damn thing starts acting up!

Can't use the phone for voice calls anymore b/c there's a constant crackling / popping in the earpiece speaker. Obviously a hardware issue. Lovely. Another "like new refurbished replacement" should arrive tomorrow by 3pm the tier 2 tech on the phone just told me. What are the odds this one will be a POS too? I've loved the bionic up until this point, but I'm beginning to get agitated now. :mad:
Sorry man. Their "like new" refurbished phones are anything but. I have been fortunate with my bionic. Had since launch day and still solid. My wife and I went thru 4 og droid's though before we got the phones we have now. I really HATE the stupid warranty program. It would be better for the consumer if they would just swap out with new phones when you have a problem instead of someone else's p.o.s that they supposedly fixed. Especially considering we still have that deductible to pay whenever we make a claim. Big corp's are nothing but greedy. Plain and simple.
My old Bionic was a release day phone too, and was great until the on/off switch dropped off somewhere. My "like new refurb" was exactly that about 3 weeks ago. No wear whatsoever and even had the original screen mask on it. Hope yours is as nice. There isn't any deductible at this point on the Bionic unless you destroy it or lose it. Moto covers it for the first year and it won't be 1 yr. old until 9/8.
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I got a like new, and it has been perfect. It is the luck of the draw.....your luck will improve, hang in there.
I wish they would send new phones as warranty replacements, but refurb "like-new" is the system we gotta deal with. Spending 3+ hrs to reinstall all of the apps gets old real quick. I hope the one I got on friday lasts. Seems to be working well so far.

If they keep screwing up by sending me "like-new" replacements that have problems, maybe I can convince them to upgrade me to the Razr Max. :biggrin:
I got a certified pre owned bionic in December and I've had no issues at all. I'm not sure if they are sending you something similar to this but if they are there is still hope.

Sent from my iced Bionic
I went thru my Day one Bionic with the same problem you had, then after received 2 other like new bionics, Wish you the best of luck. My last one I have recieve is working great though.
lykofos;[URL="tel:2105431" said:
2105431[/URL]]After my original Bionic, that I got on release day, died on the charger and wouldn't power back up last month, they sent me a "like new refurbished replacement." All seemed well after 1.5 weeks, so I slapped on my last Steinheil screen protector and today the damn thing starts acting up!

Can't use the phone for voice calls anymore b/c there's a constant crackling / popping in the earpiece speaker. Obviously a hardware issue. Lovely. Another "like new refurbished replacement" should arrive tomorrow by 3pm the tier 2 tech on the phone just told me. What are the odds this one will be a POS too? I've loved the bionic up until this point, but I'm beginning to get agitated now. :mad:
flash ur phone with my fxz files in the thread ur phone might have a bug that just by re flashing the system with an fxz file will fix its worth a try its what i first thing when i get a replacement cuz i dont trust verizon an it seems to work for me
yeah the CLNR are a complete crap shoot, they obviously don't do much certifying of their replacement phones. I had to replace my OG DROID 4 times b/c of either the usb port or headphone jacks being messed up. Its really a sad attempt to keep circulating these phones through with no real effort to refurb anything other than putting new stickers on it and boxing them up.

I got one replacement that lasted all of a day. I got it, plugged it in to charge and nothing happened, usb port was broken, called vzw and had them send another one.

Hope you have better luck than I did with the CLNR. I wouldn't expect them to upgrade you to anything else without having to go through the replacement process a couple more times. People tried doing that w/ the D1 and it seemed like after 3 or 4 replacements they would offer you something else. No idea what their policy is with that nowadays.