Replacing Droid X


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
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I have a Droid X and the battery charger port is super loose, so I am replacing it. What is the best way to go about getting everything over to my new phone? The current phone is rooted with Droid Bootsrap and Titanium Backup installed. Thanks!
I have a Droid X and the battery charger port is super loose, so I am replacing it. What is the best way to go about getting everything over to my new phone? The current phone is rooted with Droid Bootsrap and Titanium Backup installed. Thanks!

Well, you'll should bring it back to stock. I'm not sure how that works with the X, if you used z4Root that should have the option to go to stock. Get rid of any rooted apps you've installed.

If you get hung up you may have to sbf. Sometimes people have issues with the bootstraps and Clockwork.
Could you just make anandroid backup of your phone, make sure the new phone is on the same update, then flash the rom from the old phone onto the new one? I think that would work, but definitely get a second opinion.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I have Moved Everything From a Rooted D1 to an unrooted X with no Problem. It would not Run my Rooted Programs such as clockwork and Superuser.. But it Ran Every other App that was in it.

Also I just Switched from Droid X not another X.. because I had a Button come off for the camera.
It was Perfect, I did an SMS backup of my Texts, then moved all my apps to my SD card with " Move to SD" then I activated the phone..and activated my Google account...and Turned on the new phone and Everything was there. Just like I never switched.