has anyone had a problem with there speakerphone , music speaker? mine is crackling to the point of no return. its horrible. can barely hear ringtones and i want to fix this. dont have insurance and got the phone on craigslist as a trade for my stratosphere. he told me that the speaker was going bad but deff. worth the trade in my eyes. but anyway, has anyone successfully replaced the speaker? do i have to use the speaker that comes in the razr or can i use a speaker from another cellphone? any input woud be much appreciated. please dont tell me that you think im dumb for trading for it. in my eyes the trade was a great trade. stratosphere for the razr...especially since the only thing wrong with the razr is the loud speaker. im very happy..just want to get this phone in great working condition. as there is no scratches or anything on this phone. im in love LOL
thanks to all that helps me with my question. i really appreciate it a lot.
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