Restoring with titanium?


Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
Lima, Ohio
How do I restore an app that I uninstalled with titanium backup?

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Pretty sure you're gonna have to grab it from the market. I do not think TB has an option to restore deleted apps ...

Sent from my Sourcery infused DROID
I thought that was the point of back stuff up so if you screw up its still there

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It is, I was just playing around with it to check for ya :)

Maybe try going into TB and hitting menu and select batch. From there try "restore missing apps" ... maybe. If you have backed the app up with TB before and now its not there, I would imagine it would be on this list ...

Lemme know if it works for ya!

Sent from my Sourcery infused DROID
I did exactly as you suggested. I couldn't restore just the one app so I restored all apps & data. Tried & it still hadn't worked so I shut off my phone for about 5 minutes & restarted it. I still can't do what I was trying to do, I checked TB & there are still about 7 apps at the bottom of the list with lines thru them. Quickoffice is one of them & I think maybe that's the one that needs reinstalled to fix the problem. I checked the market but can't find a free version there to re install.

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The funniest part of all this is I rooted my phone to get rid of bloat....I didn't do the boot strap thing cuz I didn't want to change roms, I was scared of screwing up my phone. I had been considering changing roms you think if I did it would fix things?

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My understanding is that in order to restore the apps using Titanium you first need the paid version, and then you have to freeze the apps.

I'm still not quite sure how it's suppose to work if you do a wipe of both data and cache, because the app would get wiped as well.
Ith restored most of what I installed but maybe that's why it didn't reinstall those last few, I have the free version

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I installed grew versions of apps similar to quickoffice & that fixed my problem! Quickoffice is $9.99 in the market & I'm not about to pay that. Got it working & that's what's important. Thanks everyone for your help!

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