Rezound text help


New Member
May 25, 2010
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Hi, I was talked into this rezound. I'm 60 and not to good with phones. On my old phone when I typed it would automatically put a space when I finished with a word. As my husbands Bionic does but this rezound I have to make a space every time I do a word when typing. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or I have something set not right??

Many many thanks,
Hi, I was talked into this rezound. I'm 60 and not to good with phones. On my old phone when I typed it would automatically put a space when I finished with a word. As my husbands Bionic does but this rezound I have to make a space every time I do a word when typing. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or I have something set not right??

Many many thanks,

The Rezound is a great device once you know how to navigate, it will most certainly do what you are asking....

First go to "settings", then to "language and keyboard", then select "touch input", then near the bottom of the screen select "trace keyboard", then be sure there is a green check mark next to "trace keyboard" in the grey box, if there isn't one, touch the box once to put a green check in there, now when you put in words it will automatically insert a space after each one...

In addition to the space, you can now drag your finger across the keyboard as you type, for instance instead of typing "time" t-i-m-e you can now place your finger on the t then without lifting your finger, drag your finger tip towards the i-m & e keys and when you lift your finger the word "time" will fill itself into your message.


I tried exactly like you said twice and it still will not put a space. I have to do it manually still?

Any other suggestions welcome.


I tried exactly like you said twice and it still will not put a space. I have to do it manually still?

Any other suggestions welcome.

I thought I made a typo, but I checked my instructions and that's how you enable it to create a space automatically & use trace. What are you typing exactly? This works in both e-mails and texts, if it isn't working for you then you have not enabled it per the directions, there must be a green check in the box for it to be enabled....sometimes when you do an action in either an app or for example the google play market the keyboard you use for texts may not come up and instead you must use whatever keyboard the app wants you to use, but for text messaging and e-mails my instructions are correct for enabling the HTC Rezound on android 2.3.4 using sense 3.5 to create automatic spaces after words you trace into text.
Hi, I did it twice like you said and had my husband try last night and no still no space in letter writing or texts. Yes the green check mark is now there too.
I'm going to take it back today to Verizon and ask them once more too for HELP. But I've been there once and they said we don't think the rezound will make spaces and now I don't agree with them if yours does. Also I have one other gripe........the light up section way at the bottom where you can hit Home, settings, little arrow and I think a search symbol will not stay lit up. I've asked them that too and they said no. My husbands on his Bionic stays on forever which is nice.
Thanks so much for your HELP.
Try a completely different keyboard. I personally didn't like the HTC keyboard at all. I'd like to suggest the ICS Keyboard but any should work. There is a setting for this in most keyboards.
Thanks all for the help.
I did again stop by the Verizon and asked my two questions and they said NO nothing will make a space between words I have to do that myself. Second the lights don't stay on long at the bottom. :angry:
Thanks again,
My stock would add a space after the word when I would type and hit the space to autocomplete.

Now I have the SwiftKey3 keyboard and I do remember there is a setting to tell pressing the spacebar when you are typing a word to insert a space, complete the word and insert a prediction.
I just s
tarted typing hello, and when it got to "hel" the auto suggest appeared for hello and then i hit space which completed the word and added a space at the end. I hated the stock keyboard as when I did voice inputs it added a space then I had to press back to insert a period.

this one adds the period at the end of the word.
Ok, just got my Rezound and started texting tonight. So far, definitely do not like the trace keyboard as well as Swype from my D2. I figured out that tapping either the predicted word or the spacebar will auto complete and add a space. With swype, if I just paused for a second, the predicted word will auto complete and add a space. Doesn't seem like trace does this no matter how long I pause. Word prediction so far does not seem to be as good as swype, but maybe I just need to get more accustomed to the keyboard itself.

Has anyone tried the Swype beta on their Rezound?
Ok, just got my Rezound and started texting tonight. So far, definitely do not like the trace keyboard as well as Swype from my D2. I figured out that tapping either the predicted word or the spacebar will auto complete and add a space. With swype, if I just paused for a second, the predicted word will auto complete and add a space. Doesn't seem like trace does this no matter how long I pause. Word prediction so far does not seem to be as good as swype, but maybe I just need to get more accustomed to the keyboard itself.

Has anyone tried the Swype beta on their Rezound?
Trace will auto include a trace a word, if its the correct word you then trace the next word & it includes a space automatically.....if you trace a word and its wrong but in the suggestion bar there is the right word and you hit it to change the word then immediately go into tracing another word it will put in a space automatically, I'm using the stock keyboards on the stock 2.3.4. I'm almost tempted to put a video up on here so people can see, you all almost had me doubting myself, i went in and checked word for word and it does just what I'm saying it does, maybe check your software versions etc...
Trace will auto include a trace a word, if its the correct word you then trace the next word & it includes a space automatically.....if you trace a word and its wrong but in the suggestion bar there is the right word and you hit it to change the word then immediately go into tracing another word it will put in a space automatically, I'm using the stock keyboards on the stock 2.3.4. I'm almost tempted to put a video up on here so people can see, you all almost had me doubting myself, i went in and checked word for word and it does just what I'm saying it does, maybe check your software versions etc...

You are correct. The more I use it, I am figuring out the slight timing differences of pausing and starting to trace the next word between the Trace keyboard and the Swype I was used to. However, when you tap out a word and pick from the suggestion list, it does not add a space. Not a big deal, but a minor annoyance.
You are correct. The more I use it, I am figuring out the slight timing differences of pausing and starting to trace the next word between the Trace keyboard and the Swype I was used to. However, when you tap out a word and pick from the suggestion list, it does not add a space. Not a big deal, but a minor annoyance.
lol you guys are driving me crazy! Trace keyboard absolutely puts a space after you select a word from the suggestion list, it even does it before you begin tracing another word! I feel like my Rezound must be extra special if everyone's having these auto space issues...
lol you guys are driving me crazy! Trace keyboard absolutely puts a space after you select a word from the suggestion list, it even does it before you begin tracing another word! I feel like my Rezound must be extra special if everyone's having these auto space issues...

Not if you tap out a word one letter at a time. It's probably just me, but for some words the Trace suggestion list does not pick up what I am trying to type. So, I then have to tap out the word instead and it usually will come up on the suggestion list. Then when I pick the word in the suggestion list, it does not add a space. Try it. Tap out "cellular" one letter at a time and tap it when it pops up in the suggestion list, then start tracing or tapping another word, it does not insert a space.
Not if you tap out a word one letter at a time. It's probably just me, but for some words the Trace suggestion list does not pick up what I am trying to type. So, I then have to tap out the word instead and it usually will come up on the suggestion list. Then when I pick the word in the suggestion list, it does not add a space. Try it. Tap out "cellular" one letter at a time and tap it when it pops up in the suggestion list, then start tracing or tapping another word, it does not insert a space.

LOL yes I see what you mean about the tapping...I just trace them out and when i see the correct word I click it and it makes an auto space then I go back into tracing I never tap individually unless its a word I haven't added to my the way it's definitely not you making the trace errors, trace is not nearly as accurate as swype was but it's getting there...