Rezound will not automatically go to 4G


Apr 9, 2012
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I have had my phone for a couple weeks now. The first few days I had it it would automatically switch from 3G to 4G whenever I drove through the Greater Hartford area. It has not done it since. The only way I can get it into 4G is to put it into Airplane Mode then take it out then it immediately goes into 4G. It gladly goes back to 3G once i'm out of Hartford but it will not go back into 4G unless I do the Aiplane thing every time. What gives? Thanks.
Other people have this issue as well. I hope this is strictly a Gingerbread thing, as I haven't heard the complaint from anyone on an ICS ROM.
I have had my phone for a couple weeks now. The first few days I had it it would automatically switch from 3G to 4G whenever I drove through the Greater Hartford area. It has not done it since. The only way I can get it into 4G is to put it into Airplane Mode then take it out then it immediately goes into 4G. It gladly goes back to 3G once i'm out of Hartford but it will not go back into 4G unless I do the Aiplane thing every time. What gives? Thanks.

Hey man, my RAZR Maxx does the EXACT same thing. EXACTLY as you describe.

I am hoping a update rectifies the issue. (soon)
Another question is can the phone make the switch while data is being downloaded? In other words if I am on 3g and start downloading a large file and cross into a 4g area, will the phone finish downloading that file on 3g then go to 4g?
Another question is can the phone make the switch while data is being downloaded? In other words if I am on 3g and start downloading a large file and cross into a 4g area, will the phone finish downloading that file on 3g then go to 4g?

I'm fairly sure that this is a yes. I can't' say for 100% sure though but I've downloaded larger files(ROMs) across south Jersey which breaks in and out of 4G coverage.
I haven't had any trouble with my rezound and that issue and I'm in and out of 4G several times a day. My bionic on the other hand, would NEVER swap to 3G from 4G and I would have no data at all at that point until I completely removed the battery and sim card and had VZW reset some crap on their end... :mad:. Give big red a call, my rezound did it twice, first time they just reset it on their side.. second time (the next evening) the tech said he was going to reset it and afterwards spent some more time "fixing it so you do not calling back in an hour or a day with the same problem". I don't know what he did.. but it's never been an issue again. Maybe he could've fixed my bionic too? LMAO
I ask because I see a pattern. When I leave my house for work, which is a 3g area, I put my phone on the dash and start streaming music. I can stream all the way to work and never see 4g. BUT if I just put the phone on the dash and do nothing, when I cross into the city (Hartford) it will go into 4G with no issues. It would appear that if I have data moving on 3g it will stay on 3g when I cross into 4g territory.
I ask because I see a pattern. When I leave my house for work, which is a 3g area, I put my phone on the dash and start streaming music. I can stream all the way to work and never see 4g. BUT if I just put the phone on the dash and do nothing, when I cross into the city (Hartford) it will go into 4G with no issues. It would appear that if I have data moving on 3g it will stay on 3g when I cross into 4g territory.

I do the same and mine switches in and out of 4G.