Hello world,
I'm proud to present you my new application : Rocking Shortcuts!
It's an application that can launch 18 differents actions with the volume buttons also call volume "rocker" hence the name!
There's 8 differents triggers that you can use on the volume buttons : one press, double press, triple press or hold the +/- key.
You can launch one of your application, navigate to a web page, change the current music track to the next/previous one, take a photo, video or audio record or change various settings!
You can do all that even when another application is running or when your screen is locked.
You can have 5 differents configurations preset with differents action set to differents triggers! There's even an action to switch configuration one to another!
It's a perfect tool for any spies out there! There's no other application in the market that can take a photo/video that fast and without anyone to notice!
Try it here : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.tournesol.rockingshortcuts.lite
Buy it here : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.tournesol.rockingshortcuts
M. Tournesol
I'm proud to present you my new application : Rocking Shortcuts!
It's an application that can launch 18 differents actions with the volume buttons also call volume "rocker" hence the name!
There's 8 differents triggers that you can use on the volume buttons : one press, double press, triple press or hold the +/- key.
You can launch one of your application, navigate to a web page, change the current music track to the next/previous one, take a photo, video or audio record or change various settings!
You can do all that even when another application is running or when your screen is locked.
You can have 5 differents configurations preset with differents action set to differents triggers! There's even an action to switch configuration one to another!
It's a perfect tool for any spies out there! There's no other application in the market that can take a photo/video that fast and without anyone to notice!
Try it here : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.tournesol.rockingshortcuts.lite
Buy it here : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.tournesol.rockingshortcuts
M. Tournesol