[ROM] Eclipse 2.1 Toro - Build 4 - Welcome to the Dark!! (11/6/12)


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Premium Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Eclipse Jellybean - Welcome to the Dark!




Battery Options *Found under Settings-> System -> Status bar -> Battery status style

Eclipse Rom Features: (general overview)
AOSP based with some added components of my own as well as some items from CM & AOKP
Dark UI
Custom battery options
Theme engine
Custom navigation bar hotseats
Change navigation bar button speed, color and glow
Custom lock screen hotseats
Extended power menu
Notification pull down toggles/widgets
Clock options
Change carrier label
Lock screen weather and calendar
Change lockscreen clock layout
CPU/Voltage controls
Customize power menu
Notiifcation light customizer
Volume rockers wake, change tracks
Quiet Hours and Profiles
T9 Dialer
Quick Reply MMS
Much much more!!

For a changelog please visit here: [CHANGELOG] Eclipse AOSP 2.1 General Changelog

Download Rom: http://eclipserom.com/mods/click.php?id=240
Mirror: Dev-Host - Eclipse-2.1-toro-build4.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
md5: 9501b377f9ed7f4eb499f33b79bd7756

Download G-Apps 11-05-2012: http://eclipserom.com/mods/click.php?id=235
Mirror: Dev-Host - gapps-jb-110512-phone.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
md5: f05a373a7850fb1f4d45fb1510c2bb73

How to Install:
1. Wipe Data / Factory Reset
2. Flash Rom
3. Flash Google Apps
4. Enjoy

Already Running an Eclipse Nightly/Progress Build?
1. Flash Rom
2. Flash Google Apps
3. Enjoy your updated build
Great work Nitro; your Rom has a good balance between core JB features and additional mods to fit my needs. Also the Trinity kernel is a fit; thanks for bringing it back as the stock driver. I've tried a lot of other roms and I always seem to come back to yours. I loved the work you did on the Bionic (loved the phone, but hated the poor support by VZW and the locked bootloader among other things). Keep up the good work; will be sending you a nice donation later in the week.
Just installed and seems to be working great so far. Thanks for the release nitro!
love the low pro black UI;)