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ROM(Razr-CDMA)Flick 1.3.1[9/13/12


New Member
ROM(Razr-CDMA)Flick 1.3.1[9/13/12]

What I wanted to do when I started to create Flick was make a ROM that was smooth, optimized and minimalistic, but fully tweakable, and had all the essential root features. Please note that this ROM is an early release, as I just wanted to get this out before school got in to gear, thanks.

Thanks to:
Google for being so awesome!
vtwinbmx and 2tealth for helping me out when I needed it..
Nitro and EmericanX for doing what they do for us.
Whirleyes for letting me use his Kernel modules.
Kebob - The .215 base.
Kebob - For making the toggles for Blur ROMs.
Kebob - For helping me out with so much all the time.
Kebob - For some code that I used as a guide to put apps in Settings
Kebob and Matt - For the Atrix HD Launcher and widgets from other Moto phones.
Nitro - for the original Pulldown toggles
SmurfedOut - For some of the tweaks.

Don't post this thread anywhere else! I will post this on other sites, I just want to make sure everybody is getting the experience that I wanted them to get!
Thank you!

The Tweaks:

Deodexed - Kebob's .215 base
Zipaligned - Kebob's .215 base
Ziapligned at boot
Database files defragged at boot
Supercharged services.jar
Ultra fast GPS lock on
Kernel tweaks for battery life
Network tweaks
3G network speed tweaks
Dalvik VM tweaks
Launcher locked in memory
Scrolling tweaks
bugtogo.sh removed
Memory management tweaks(minfree and adj)
SIO as default I/O and Pegasusq as default CPU Governor
More soft rendering by Android via egl.cfg edits, less response latency
Faster data connection via ppp-ril.options
CPU Control
Built in tweaks for:

The UI:

Pulldown Toggles - Kebob and Nitro
1% battery mod - superrelaxx
Theme Keyboard - EmericanX and 24v
Blur Settings.apk icon replaced with AOSP icon

The apps:

Apex Launcher
Atrix HD homescreen
SuperSU preoaded
Beats Audio
AOSP News & Weather
AOSP Clock
AOSP Messaging
Blur Email
AOSP Gallery
Blur Camera - EmericanX
Inverted AOSP Calendar
AOSP Calculator
Root Browser Lite - JRummy16
Inverted GTalk
Google Play Music
Apps in Settings:
No Frill CPU Control
OTA Updater
No Frills CPU Control


Zipalign and sqlite3 binary included
CM9 ringtones
Sysctl enabled
Init.d support
Extra Kernel Modules:

Known Issues:


Coming next:
SuperSU in settings

It will say 1.3.0, but does it really matter?

Flick 1.3.1: Dev-Host - Flick 1.3.1_Final.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service

After installing:
Let the ROM settle for 5 minutes, just let your phone sit.
Complete setup
Update SuperSu binary

Flashable zips:
None as of yet.

OC to 1325Mhz: Dev-Host - OC_1325 - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
OC to 1300Mhz: Dev-Host - OC_1300 - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Copy those files into /system/etc/init.d to get the corresponding overclock.

Donation is not required, but appreciated:
Last edited:
Flick 1.0:
Initial release

Flick 1.0.3:
Overclock to 1300Mhz at boot
More kernel Modules
Tweaked Smartassv2
Build.prop tweaks
Fixed Statusbar

Flick 1.1:
Pulldown Toggles
Apex Launcher and Gmail
Blur Lockscreen

Flick 1.1.2:
Apex Launcher, Gmail, Maps, Google Music, Street Viewer, Root Browser Lite as user apps
Added Overclocking as a flashable zip
Added Stock Moto Launcher back in for user choice
Fixed Flick version #
CM9 Ringtones(But there is about 1 million of each of them,lol)
NOTE: To work around apps not updating uninstall it and then reinstall it via the market!

Flick 1.1.4:
Fixed stability issues
Ultra fast GPS lock on

Flick 1.1.6:
Genie Widget
Theme Keyboard - 24v and EmericanX
More tweaks
Took away Voice Commands and Maps
Apps update properly
Got the right Flick version #
Fixed duplicate ringtones
Added Swype

Flick 1.3.0:
Debloated more
Apps in Settings.apk:
No Frills CPU Control
Beats Audio
OTA Updater
Deleted bugtogo.sh
More data tweaks
More performance tweaks
More battery life tweaks
SuperSU root permissions management
Fixed Blur Corporate Sync
Atrix HD launcher along with all of the goodies
Fixed USB dock and webtop
Fixed the "hangs" some people were describing
Blur settings icon is now AOSP icon

Thanks to brees75 for inspiring me to use cron to dump caches so I could use more aggressive cache values resulting in more fluidity.

Flick 1.3.1:
Fixed stability issues
screen shots? running simplex rom now but having horrible battery issues, thinking of switching and this looks good... opinions on those who've installed this?
I want to try out this ROM. I never installed a different ROM on my Razr, so can someone tell me or show me how to install this. Please :)
Do i flash this over 211, or can i flash it over the 215 leak that im on?

If you're not in a hurry, "ByteCode" said he should have 1.4 out in a coupla days. His Windows machine crashed on him Sat so his code writing has come to a halt till he gets the computer back up. My understanding is it is best to use "safestrap" which allows you to install custom ROMs side by side with the official ROM so you always have a way out if something goes bad wrong with the custom ROM. I believe it can be done with .215 but not positive. I am going to try 1.4 when he sends it out. There is a lot written about Flick here: [Rom](Razr-Cdma) Flick 1.3.1 [9/13/12] - DroidRzr.com - Page 45 . I believe this was ByteCode's original thread because it follows Flick from it's first release. I would recommend reading the thread (or at least from 1.3.0 on) to get an idea of past issues, incompatibilities, etc...
<snip>There is a lot written about Flick here: [Rom](Razr-Cdma) Flick 1.3.1 [9/13/12] - DroidRzr.com - Page 45 . I believe this was ByteCode's original thread because it follows Flick from it's first release. I would recommend reading the thread (or at least from 1.3.0 on) to get an idea of past issues, incompatibilities, etc...

I have read on the Flick rom, and this rom is awesome, but I have been having a random freeze of my phone. This appears when I am using Dolphin Browser, and does not seem to have anything to do with the CPU setting (I went into the No Frills CPU setting and changes the Max and Min to be 1200 MHz). Has anybody else seen this issue?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

I have read on the Flick rom, and this rom is awesome, but I have been having a random freeze of my phone. This appears when I am using Dolphin Browser, and does not seem to have anything to do with the CPU setting (I went into the No Frills CPU setting and changes the Max and Min to be 1200 MHz). Has anybody else seen this issue?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.


I would watch the other place you asked the question, more chances for an answer IMHO.