Roms with new OTA Gingerbread?


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Do most of the Roms still work with the OTA update to GB. I have my Droid 2 rooted with the OTA GB. Will I see better results with a rom with the OTA GB ?
I've searched all the major Forums, Mydroidworld, rootzwiki, xda, etc. and It would seem there are no ROM's based of the OTA which is now so easily rootable. I really hope some of the great ROM's being developed for the DX make it over here. All the focus is/was on the 2nd-init roms, but over at DX it seems the GB roms are getting the best battery life v. performance. I am always willing to donate for a good rom. Here's to hoping the dev's still notice us.:)