RSD Lite 4.6 not finding Droid


New Member
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
LaGrangeville, NY
Hello everyone!
Until the 2.1 OTA update, I had very little trouble installing and experimenting with different ROMs. Now I'm trying to install Ultimate Droid 10 on my phone, and from what I understand, I have to go back to stock 2.0.1 and then root again(correct me if I'm wrong)?
I am using the tutorial here:
Only problem is, RSD Lite 4.6 isn't finding my phone when I click "Show Device". I've scoured the forums for an answer and can't find anything! I've tried everything in here: , and I'm still not finding anything that works!
Help me please!

Points of Information:
Running Windows Vista 64-bit
Installed latest drivers directly from Motorola's website (4.5.0)
Are you running it as admin?
I tried running it several different ways actually. I ran it normally, normally as admin, compatibility for XP SP2, and compatibility for XP SP2 as admin... None of them worked! I don't get it!!! :confused:

When you started you're phone up did you hold down the up key on the D-pad?

Yes I did. I was in flash mode (or whatever the black screen is called... forgive my ignorance).
open RDS lite, go to config, deviceID options, check first-come-first-serve deviceID mode
You don't have to go all the way back to stock!!! Just use the .sbf file to reflash the SPRecovery onto your 2.1. I'll find a link in two seconds! Just wait! . FLASH THAT .SBF INSTEAD OF THE 2.01 SBF!! That is, if your RSDLite finds your device :) I tried it earlier today, it will put SPRecovery on your phone and then you can install Cyanogen or UD (which is Cyanogen XD.)
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Im having the same problem with RSD lite (It wont show my device). I changed the setting to first come first serve and that did nothing. Any ideas? :icon_evil:
Was having the same problem. Killed MotoConnect and now it's working.
Yep same problems, Ive tried all the above mentioned ideas and nothing is working for me.

Alright, it turns out that you have to have your .sbf file on the root of your C drive to be able to click start. That being said, my flash still fails right away everytime.
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Ive made a breakthrough and I hope this helps someone else. I could not get RSDlite to work properly on Win7 OS but worked perfectly on XP. Just make sure your .sbf files are on the root directory of your hard drive and that you have 2.0 usb inputs.
thats not really a fix though. I'm not going to reformat my entire operating system just to flash a droid.

I have this same issue. I've installed all the drivers, it shows up in the device manager as motorola flash interface. i've got the latest drivers installed. I've selected the first come thing. I boot with the dpad holding up. I've killed motoconnect.exe and nothing, yet it keeps coming back when rsdlite is working. I'm running windows 7 enterprise edition 64 bit. I'm running it as an adminstrator. i'm running it in windows xp sp3 compatibility mode.

i cant see the droid in rsdlite 4.6
I am having issues way beyond getting rsdlite to recognize my phone.

I can't seem to get the dayamn program to open. I'm running a 64bit Vista Ultimate, I've downloaded the usb drivers but when trying to open up rsdlite, I get a popup window asking me what program do I want to use to open it, since the computer doesn't recognize the .rar file type. (see attached screen shot).

I had it saved to a folder on my desktop, and after hearing that it needed to be saved to the c drive, I moved it there and no dice. I've seen many others having the same issue complaining in the comments section on a youtube tutorial, and have seen no comments regarding how to fix this.

Any advice?