[Rumor] Galaxy Note 3 Won't Have Optical Image Stabilization; Coming in SGS5


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

According to the latest intel, the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will not end up with the Optical Image Stabilization feature as originally reported. The source of this info claims that the problem stems from production issues. This is probably disappointing news for many of us, assuming it turns out to be true. It's small consolation, but supposedly, Samsung will include the technology with their next generation Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone.

It's important to realize this is just a rumor at this point. We will keep an eye out for secondary and/or tertiary corroboration on this. If it turns out to be true, would this affect your purchasing decision on the new GNote3?

Source: TalkAndroid
HTC Max for the win. There's no way I'm paying full price for a phone with the same opticals as something that came out months ago...... Of course HTC may do the same thing in which case, I guess I save 800$.

According to the latest intel, the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will not end up with the Optical Image Stabilization feature as originally reported. The source of this info claims that the problem stems from production issues. This is probably disappointing news for many of us, assuming it turns out to be true. It's small consolation, but supposedly, Samsung will include the technology with their next generation Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone.

It's important to realize this is just a rumor at this point. We will keep an eye out for secondary and/or tertiary corroboration on this. If it turns out to be true, would this affect your purchasing decision on the new GNote3?

Source: TalkAndroid

My old Omnia had something like that but I think it was called something else because, if memory serves, it was digital and not optical . Made a 5mp camera much much better than its numbers on a spec sheet.

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