[Rumor] Samsung Galaxy S III Dropping to $50 Bucks at Best Buy on December 16th


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We don't have any official confirmation of this, but there is a rumor floating around that on December 16th, Best Buy will drop the on-contract price of the Samsung Galaxy S III to just $49.99 for all major carriers. This is basically $150 bucks off the original subsidized price of the phone when it was released. The source of this rumor did not indicate whether it was a sale that would go beyond December 16th, so it could be a one-day only deal.

We will keep an eye out for you guys, but if you see or hear anything post it in this thread.

Source: TechnoBuffalo
It's official news at my BBYM store, so I would say its not a rumor. Also, S3's, S3's everywhere!

Edit: It is also a one day sale for Sunday only
Is this for new contract only? I have a razr maxx and am totally happy with it... but if I could upgrade to this for $50... hell yes
If it wasn't for the unlimited data I'd jump on it.
Yeah, it's a shame they won't take the $150 off the retail price. I'd pick it up for $450 and keep the unlimited.

I would love it if they would have sales on off contract phones.