2 methods to draw on photos plus other possibilities to manipulate your photos.
Method 1 is open photo in stock gallery. Tap menu at the bottom, tap draw on photo. The writing week show up on the back of the photo.
Method 2 would be open photo, press button on s pen, hold s pen on screen. It takes a screen shot that you can draw on top of. You can do this on any screen to grab a screen shot and draw on it, photo, web page, map, etc
In S Note app you can start a note, insert a photo and draw over top of it, below beside, whatever and use text instead of free hand by tapping the "T" icon to the upper left.
If you want to grab just a portion of a photo you press the button in the s pen then draw around the area you want to grab making sure it stops where it starts (you'll see what I mean when you try it out) , wait a couple seconds then possible locations to drop the grabbed will appear at the bottom, such as scrapbook, gmail, etc. Just tap the one you want to deposit it to.
Hope that helps
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