So far, NFC technology hasn't exactly been lighting a fire in the market. We have been hearing all the various tech companies extolling the virtues for some time now, but really haven't seen it used very much, at least in the United States. Despite that, Samsung obviously believes in the future of the tech. They recently debuted their TecTiles NFC stickers/tags. The idea of these tags is that when touched with an NFC enabled phone, you will be able to perform a huge array of interesting and useful functions. In fact, they can be "programmed" to perform a number of different actions at once, which increases their versatility greatly. To go along with the tags, Samsung has also created an app called Samsung Tectile to help configure the tags. The app is available for free in the Google Market. Additionally, the tags are rewrite-able up to 100,000 times, so that means you can reprogram them to do different things.
Here is a small smattering of the capabilities of this fascinating new tech:
- Make a Call
- Send a Text Message
- Show an Address or Location
- Foursquare Check In
- Facebook Places Check In
- Open a Web Page
- Share a Contact
- Update Facebook Status
- Start a Google Talk Conversation
- Connect on LinkedIn
- Launch an App
The app allows configuring these actions, then writes those instructions to the sticker. Imagine creating a sticker that you put in your car (you can even put it right on your dock) that initiates a Bluetooth connection, opens Google Navigation and starts playing music. You could put one on your nightstand that silences your ringer and sets your alarm, just by setting your phone down. There really are endless possibilities.
TecTiles are available now, and cost $14.99 for a pack of five. They’re available online from Samsung’s website, and will also be available in T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T and Verizon stores.
Source: TalkAndroid & Google Play Store - Samsung TecTile App