Got the phone at a subsidized of 150 at Gowireless and am keeping my unlimited as well through some workarounds. I'm completely used to keyboard phones~ and was hesitating on getting a new slate phone. However this thing is just, beautiful. Like the instant I put my eyes on just a picture, I wanted it. Getting it into my hands, even better. With such a large screen, typing isn't as bad as I thought (still slower than qwerty by far of course) once you replace the stock keyboard with Swiftkey 3.
Bloatware is minimal, phone is fast. Just, ridiculously fast. Pictures process so quickly that you can take shot after shot without stopping like you're papparazi. If the flash is off, even quicker. You can just spam the cam button and just fill your sd card without end. Oh yeah~ about that. SD card slot... apparently a rare thing nowadays. Standard with this phone. Removable battery? There too~ not only pretty, thin, but practical too? There's some sick phones out there, like the HTC One X~ but when the S3 can do everything it does and offer an sd slot and battery removal... it's going to be at the top. It just has to. Not even the G-Nexus has this flexibility, and it's supposed to be a power user phone.
The S3 is just, ... it just dominates everything. In nearly every category except, screen quality? Maybe? By a smidgen to the One X?