Samsung To Release A Theme App Of Their Own In April


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Oct 6, 2011
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Not to be out done by HTC, Samsung will be putting out their own theming app for the Galaxy S6. The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge along with the Galaxy A series already include themes options. These device currently each have 4 preinstalled themes. Apparently you will be able to buy and download more themes later on, but so far there has been no good way for third parties to create their own themes for Galaxy devices.

Reddit user "gedankenreich" received some intel from Samsung. The carrier will be releasing an authoring tool for theme creation. The tool is set to release sometime in April, but there is no set day for official release.

Via Sammobile
Wondering if the folks that already make themes for launchers will care to port their projects over to work with Samsung's new setup, or if we'll only see a slew of half-baked options from devs we've never heard of.
My money is on the latter Jonny if Samsung sticks to form. They'll push it out, add a couple of tweaks here and there, abandon it totally after about 6-9 months, leaving developers flapping in the breeze.
The original dark theme is there. The rest are irrelevant :D