Samsung's Newest Galaxy Pro Tablets Coming to Retail Starting February 13th


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

The full lineup of Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro and Note Pro series tablets will soon be hitting online and retail store shelves. Samsung is pricing these at the high-end to match the higher-end specs.

Here's the breakdown,

  • Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4: $399.99 (16GB)
  • Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1: $499.99 (16GB)
  • Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2: $649.99 (32GB)
  • Galaxy Note Pro 12.2: $749.99 (32GB) and $849.99 (64GB)
Earlier we shared that the Note Pro 12.2 was already up for preorder at Staples. You can find more of those details here.

From seeing these prices, it looks like Samsung is basically ignoring the pricing of every other tablet in the world, even the iPad. It actually seems to be working for them as several reports across the web have indicated Samsung Android tablet sales have actually been gaining and are closing in on the iPad. What do you guys think? Would you pay prices like these for a Samsung Android tablet?

Source: PCWorld
I am waiting for the LTE models to be released...but I like the idea of the 12.2 size.
I thought the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 might be just the tablet I've been looking for....but then I see only 2gigs of ram. For $400 - and probably more for 32gig, not to mention more for a 64gig thanks. And why not a wifi-only version for $100 less?

Auto-update/sync features are becoming very common for many types of apps and uses - that means those apps are bigger (more ram), while also needing to constantly run in the background. Why I'm staying away from any new phone or tablet with only 2gigs of ram.