Sapphire for life


Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Just want to say that Sapphire has been the best ROM I have installed yet.

I have bounced around between BB SS and UD all with their +'s and -'s and they all had issues on my Droid.

Sapphire has been rock solid for me and my battery life has never been better.

I am a .NET software developer by day and android tinkerer by night and I can
really appreciate the fact that this ROM is original compilation and not a copy/paste package of other people's work.

I will be hanging in this forum more often now. Thanks for all the hard work.
I feel the exact same way bruther....
Definitely agree. Great job everyone that has worked so hard to put this together, it works wonderfully. And its not even at 1.0 yet!
Ok cool, I want to try it. where doz a person getz it? dancedroid
When you have a person who may be making an issue, the worst thing you can do is start an argument with them. Do not quote these people, report them and let the mods take care of it.
Not sure what hookbill is talking about but i agree with thebawse, this is the best rom ive used hands down, no issues, super fast, i have yet to see a battery improvement cause i just flashed last night but as of now, all i can say is awesome
When you have a person who may be making an issue, the worst thing you can do is start an argument with them. Do not quote these people, report them and let the mods take care of it.
That's a wonderful idea :)
Not sure what hookbill is talking about but i agree with thebawse, this is the best rom ive used hands down, no issues, super fast, i have yet to see a battery improvement cause i just flashed last night but as of now, all i can say is awesome
I laughed for real.....hookbill cleaned up the thread. There was a guy arguing. You missed it.
I agree, I love the idea of someone starting from scratch and building from the ground up. I am tired of stability issues on so many other roms due to patchwork and trying to make changes in ways that don't fully work.

I was about to switch to straight up cyanogen once v6 hit instead of using all these chopped up versions of cyanogen's work (sorry, I don't mean any offense to anyone. I love the work guys like Pete and Jrummy do, they are geniuses), but now I'm equally excited for Sapphire to drop their official 2.2 release.

I used other roms previously because I liked the themes available for them, but I've decided to start making my own because I don't like always bugging dev's about personal preferences when I should just be doing it myself and saving them the time. So with that out of the way, I'll be really excited to make the jump to Sapphire or CM once the official release hits. I've been really impressed with the organization, dedication to open source, and overall attitude and demeanor of the Sapphire team so I'm hoping to find a permanent home here as well!

Either way, props to the team for everything they've accomplished. Paving the way for a better Android community. Good work!