SBF with Linux...


Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Texas, USA
[EDIT 07/24/2011]: I'm going to rework this over on RootzWiki.

Doing this is super easy, for the Motorola Droid 2 Global... 06/14/2011.

This is the easiest way of SBFing I've found in the forums. Totally brain-dead easy if you READ this in it's entirety BEFORE you attempt.

I didn't do any of this; I gleaned it and wrote it as I did it. The methodology is hacked up to work for Linux (I took a lot from chrisl20 and Xplorer4x4's posts). All of the credit goes to OPTICALDELUSION and TBH... they are the ones that make this work so well... Thank you!.

Read this whole thing before you brick it you bought it... ain't my fault (it's really easy if you READ this first).

  1. CHARGE YOUR BATTERY TO AT LEAST 80% (mine was at 100%). The phone doesn't charge during the following chain of events.
  2. You can create an Ubuntu 11.04 LiveCD, but I'm not going into that here. See: Homepage | Ubuntu. I recommend you dump your mega-corporation OS and install this excellent free OS... it will make you computer scream (even if it's old like mine).

    EDIT: Go here to temporarily use a non-destructive version of Ubuntu 10.10 to SBF with Linix:

  3. Pull the case off your phone if you have one and take off your battery cover. This will be handy later on.
  4. USB cable with the mini connector.

SBF in Linux
(Operating system/computer: Ubuntu 10.10, Dell Dimension E510 (mfg. Date 01/06/2006!)​

SBF File: VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf
Found here:

0. Download "VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf" to your home folder.

1. Download "sbf_flash" to your home folder (see above for dowload).
2. Open a terminal (there are various ways depending on your distro/version of Linux). You will be in your home directory. It'll look something like this:
The "~$" means your home.
3. Plug your phone into the mini connector that's already plugged into your computer. The phone will turn on; turn it off. Turn it back on while pressing the "up" arrow on the slide-out keyboard to go into the bootloader
4. Enter (making sure you type the SBF file name carefully and exactly with no spaces, (it will not load correctly):

  • chmod +x sbf_flash
  • sudo ./sbf_flash NAME OF SBF EXACTLY.sbf (in this case: VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf)

You'll be asked for your password, which you will have set up when you installed Linux.
5. Now your phone should start flashing. Let it go for a while (mine took ~7 minutes).

Here's my computer terminal output:

SBF FLASH 1.23 (mbm)

=== VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf ===
00: RDL03 0x82000000-0x8204CFFF 3C38 AP
01: RDL01 0x00800000-0x008FFFFF 9FA3 BP
02: CG05 0x00000000-0x016B9BE7 B8BE BP
03: CG31 0xB0280000-0xB02847FF 2010 AP
04: CG33 0xB2100000-0xB2CC07FF 77BA AP
05: CG34 0xB0700000-0xB07047FF F949 AP
06: CG35 0xB1000000-0xB17FFFFF B52D AP
07: CG39 0xB3200000-0xC49C07FF E9E1 AP
08: CG40 0xC4A00000-0xC4A00FFF FDFF AP
09: CG42 0xB0800000-0xB083FFFF 7479 AP
10: CG47 0xB1800000-0xB20FFFFF 3C98 AP
11: CG61 0xB0B00000-0xB0B7FFFF E20A AP
12: CG64 0xB0000000-0xB00047FF 70B1 AP
13: CG65 0xB0180000-0xB01847FF B561 AP
14: CG66 0xD0800000-0xD83B07FF 3730 AP

>> waiting for phone: Connected.
>> uploading RDL03: 100.0%
-- OK
>> verifying ramloader
-- OK
>> executing ramloader
-- OK
>> waiting for phone: Connected.
>> sending erase
-- OK
>> uploading CG31: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG33: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG34: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG35: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG39: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG40: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG42: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG47: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG61: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG64: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG65: 100.0%
-- OK
>> uploading CG66: 100.0%
-- OK
>> verifying CG31
-- OK
>> verifying CG33
-- OK
>> verifying CG34
-- OK
>> verifying CG35
-- OK
>> verifying CG39
-- OK
>> verifying CG40
-- OK
>> verifying CG42
-- OK
>> verifying CG47
-- OK
>> verifying CG61
-- OK
>> verifying CG64
-- OK
>> verifying CG65
-- OK
>> verifying CG66
-- OK
>> rebooting​

6. Wait for it to get to "rebooting". It'll reboot almost immediately.
7. When the Motorola "M" symbol appears, unplug your device from the USB cable (this happens relatively quickly, so be prepared).
8. Remove the battery (the case/cover of your battery should already be off).
9. Wait for about 3 seconds and replace battery (I actually waited longer... I don't think it matters).
10. Press the slide-out keyboard "X" key and the power button. When the screen turns on (there won't be the Motorola "M" yet, but you can tell when the pixels alight) let go of both buttons and you should get the triangle, "!", and green Andorid dude.
11. Press the search key (looks like a magnifying glass) on the slide-out keyboard to get into recovery mode (a screen with blue/red/yellow text).
12. Using the volume down button, highlight "wipe data/factory reset".
13. Press the slide-out keyboard "enter" button (the "down-left-arrow button, not the "OK" button) (took about 1 minute, don't be compelled to hit "Ok"... just let it go).
14. When that's done, using the volume down button, highlight "wipe cache partition".
15. Press the slide-out keyboard "enter" button (this took about 30 seconds, again, don't be compelled to hit "Ok"... just let it go)
16. Reboot (took ~1 minute to get the "Touch Android" screen).
17. Once there you are set up with a freshly SBF'd VRZ_A956_2.4.330 Droid 2 Global set to stock.

You're done. Have a beer, sh1t, you deserve it! You can now await the glorious 2.3 (which btw seems to be as bloated as 2.2, whatever, that's a different thread).
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Nice writeup! This is my preferred method of flashing an sbf. I just hate RSDlite.
This work for anyone else before? I'd like for a few more people to have it work for them before I try it.

I have a mac and am having a little trouble sbf'ing to get the bootstrapper files off my phone so I can get the up and coming GB update and am thinking I should try this once I install ubuntu.
This work for anyone else before? I'd like for a few more people to have it work for them before I try it.

I have a mac and am having a little trouble sbf'ing to get the bootstrapper files off my phone so I can get the up and coming GB update and am thinking I should try this once I install ubuntu.


The guy who wrote sbf_flash for linux made it work with Mac OSX.
Two quick questions:

The commands are the same for the mac to use this sbf, correct? I just use the terminal mac application, and the same exact commands (chmod, sudo, etc).

Also, this is more of a knowledge question: why do the other methods need moto drivers while this one doesn't? Are they built into the process in this case?

Sorry for all the questions, I just like to understand everything almost perfectly (or at least how to do them) before I mess with my phone.

The moto drivers are necessary to create the virtual serial port under windows for rsdlite to use. Such things are not necessary under a unix operating system such as linux or mac. The system usb drivers set up everything necessary to talk to a device.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
I installed the program to my laptop instead of running it from a disk. I downloaded the SBF file to my Home Folder and ran terminal but when I typed the lines as discribed above it couldn't find my SBF file that I typed in (I used the full file name).

Can anyone help?
I installed the program to my laptop instead of running it from a disk. I downloaded the SBF file to my Home Folder and ran terminal but when I typed the lines as discribed above it couldn't find my SBF file that I typed in (I used the full file name).

Can anyone help?

You'll need to move the "VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf" you downloaded to your home folder. Check your "Downloads" folder this were all downloaded files are stored by default. Just move the sbf file to you home directory. It should work after that. (I edited the OP to reflect this).

Wait, I just saw you have a Droid 1 phone. I've only tried this with a D2G. Your mileage may vary.
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I have a D2G, I haven't changed my profile yet. I found the file and it worked great. If I ever root again I'd like to try this method. Do I use the same command lines as before (sbf_flash included)? Also I installed Ubuntu on my hard drive along with Windows. How do I remove Ubuntu off my hard drive so I can just run it from a CD?

This is a lot easier to use than RSDlite.
I have a D2G, I haven't changed my profile yet. I found the file and it worked great. If I ever root again I'd like to try this method. Do I use the same command lines as before (sbf_flash included)? Also I installed Ubuntu on my hard drive along with Windows. How do I remove Ubuntu off my hard drive so I can just run it from a CD?

This is a lot easier to use than RSDlite.

Good, glad it worked for you. I've read that you can use z4root, i think that's what it is called. Might be worth a look.

sbf_flash is only for flashing back to stock. You can't use it to root (as far as I know)

Post #9 in this link
outlines how I went about rooting, installing bootstrapper, superuser, and the Fission Rom.

You'll just delete the Ubuntu partition. What version of windows are your on? You might google an answer. I've never actually gotten RID of Linux... I usually get rid of windows o_O!

No doubt it's easier from what I've read. If your going to mod your device, Linux is much smoother because you don't need drivers, special programs, etc.
I might keep Linux for awhile, it's not all that bad. I need to read up on it though. I used Z4root which worked great. Bootstrap is where I got in trouble. It is very hard to unroot with it installed. On my D1 I used EZroot but never used bootstrap and I never had any trouble.
Thanks for your help.
I might keep Linux for awhile, it's not all that bad. I need to read up on it though. I used Z4root which worked great. Bootstrap is where I got in trouble. It is very hard to unroot with it installed. On my D1 I used EZroot but never used bootstrap and I never had any trouble.
Thanks for your help.

Yeah, I wasn't able to remove bootstrap when I wanted to go back to stock. I just SBF'd using sbf_flash.

Fiddle around with Linux. Real straight forward with the GNOME UI, yet you have the terminal whenever you need it and most of the stuff is FREE! Check out Ubuntu Forums. You'll be able to find an answer to just about any question you have. If not, you can post and there'll usually be someone to answer your questions.
Awesome write up! I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 for a while now and have SBF'd my phone multiple times using this method. Very simple and pain free! Never had a problem.
  • chmod +x sbf_flash

  • sudo ./sbf_flash NAME OF SBF EXACTLY.sbf (in this case: VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf)

ok let me make sure i got this right, i type in first line hit enter then second line and enter?
  • chmod +x sbf_flash

  • sudo ./sbf_flash NAME OF SBF EXACTLY.sbf (in this case: VRZ_A956_2.4.33_1FF_01.sbf)

ok let me make sure i got this right, i type in first line hit enter then second line and enter?

Yes, that's correct. Take a look at an earlier post if it doesn't work. You may need to change directories to 'Downloads'.