Screen timing out while on phone


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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When I am using the speaker and on the phone the screen times out and goes black after 30 seconds, how do I get the screen back on without pushing power button and hanging up?
If the screen times out and locks, then you have no choice but to push the power button to wake up the screen.
When I push the power button it hangs up the call. Should the phone not detect it when I pick up the phone and the screen come back on?
Never heard of a Droid RAZR hanging up when pressing the power button to turn the screen back one. Did it many times when I had mine.
Yeah pressing the power button should not hang up the call, it should wake the screen up so you can unlock it.
Go to Settings, Accessibility and see if Power button ends call is checked.
That was it, thought it might be something simple. Thank you:icon_ banana:
Go to Settings, Accessibility and see if Power button ends call is checked.

Way to call it, SallyC!

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