[Script] Powerful backup and restore tool


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I have been cooking up some wicked cool scripts lately ;)

Here are backup and restore scripts that are still in beta. I need some testing and input and hopefully it can become perfect. So to all you flashoholics out there.. please try out this script the next time you flash a rom.

Instructions: install the update.zip and select your options for backup by running bkdroid. When you want to restore flash the update.zip and run rstdroid and choose your options.

Also, to all those who don't have a droid 1 but wan't to use this script try it out.. should work for all devices.



Backup Script Options:

 Usage: bkdroid [-a|-ac|-nd|-c|-l|-r|-w|-h]


    -a  | --apps       Backs up apps and data
    -ac | --accounts   Backs up account info
    -nd | --no_data    Backs up apps only (no data)
    -c  | --complete   Performs a complete backup
    -l  | --logging    Disables logging for this run
    -r  | --remove     Deletes old backup without prompt
    -w  | --wifi       Backs up wifi settings
    -h  | --help       This help

    Always specify options as separate words
    e.g. -r -c instead of -rc. Its required!
    If you enter a partial name of an app it
    will backup all files with that match the
    name. Example: bkdroid pand will backup
    pandora if you have it installed.

Restore Script Options:

 Usage: rstdroid [-a|-ac|-nd|-c|-l|-r|-w|-h]

    -a  | --apps       Restore apps and data
    -ac | --accounts   Restore account info
    -nd | --no_data    Restore apps only (no data)
    -c  | --complete   Performs a complete restore
    -fp | --fixperm    Fixes permissions
    -l  | --logging    Disables logging for this run
    -w  | --wifi       Restores wifi settings
    -z  | --zipalign   Zipaligns all apks
    -h  | --help       This help
 Install location options:
    -location          Shows current install location.
    -a2sd              Installs apps to external storage
    -auto              System decides where apps will be installed
    -internal          Installs apps to internal storage

   Always specify options as separate words
   e.g. -r -c instead of -rc. Its required!
   To restore specific apps type the partial
   name of the app. Example: rstdroid pando

Some example uses:

Perform a complete backup:

bkdroid -c

Don't log output, don't prompt to remove old backups, backup apps but no data:

bkdroid -l -r -nd

Perform a complete restore:

rstdroid -c

restore wifi settings, install pandora & root explorer (if you have them backed up), zipalign all your apks, fix permissions:

rstdroid -w pand explor -z -fp

Donations are appreciated:

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Thnx for the good work, ill be trying this soon, I just wanna say chevyno1 has already made something very similar and I'm not saying his or better or yours is better but if 2 or more great devs all dedicate there time to creating seperate versions of the same thing, it could use up time that could be going towards other new things for the droid roms, I'm sure u already no that tho u 2 and all devs should use the same ones for when users flash it will be easier overall, and I'm sure almost all devs would completely happy to share there work thnx :)
Thnx for the good work, ill be trying this soon, I just wanna say chevyno1 has already made something very similar and I'm not saying his or better or yours is better but if 2 or more great devs all dedicate there time to creating seperate versions of the same thing, it could use up time that could be going towards other new things for the droid roms, I'm sure u already no that tho u 2 and all devs should use the same ones for when users flash it will be easier overall, and I'm sure almost all devs would completely happy to share there work thnx :)

Chevy has done some great work with his and is a great guy! If he made it available for other roms or didn't encrypt it I would probably not have made this. His backup script is available for all roms but restore portion isn't.
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This won't flash. I tried installing from sd card using rom manager. When I go into terminal emulator it tells me that bkdroid is not found. I tried to flash again and the same thing happened.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
This won't flash. I tried installing from sd card using rom manager. When I go into terminal emulator it tells me that bkdroid is not found. I tried to flash again and the same thing happened.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

oops.. guess I should check update.zips before I post them :icon_eek:. It had it installed to the wrong directory (long day).. lol.

Since rom manager doesn't re-download things you will have to remove the zip from your sdcard manually and then redownload if you only use rom manager

you can delete the file by entering this in terminal after you mount system r/w:

busybox rm -f `find /mnt/sdcard/clockworkmod -name *bk_rst*`
This is probably a silly question, but how do I go about opening terminal to run a script? I have been using lithium for a good month or better (love it!) and could never find it. Also, is there a list of scripts that work with lith-mod? Thanks!!
This is probably a silly question, but how do I go about opening terminal to run a script? I have been using lithium for a good month or better (love it!) and could never find it. Also, is there a list of scripts that work with lith-mod? Thanks!!

Terminal is an app you can get from the market.

I believe Jrummy scripts are called allinone

once you open terminal, type SU to allow superuser powers
then allinone.
allinone is menu driven.
Currently running SS4.7. Twice I tried installing this with ROM Mgr and twice I lost root, so twice I restored a back up. :(
Ya know, I thought of that just after I posted the message! :icon_ goofy: D'oh! Thanks, Nealius.

Update: Nope, that didn't do it. But I still should have tried it before posting. :)
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install without rom manager

install it with out using Rom mgr?

You should be able to have it named update.zip put it in your SD directory (not in a sub folder) reboot into recovery and choose install update.zip After install reboot and you have it. It doesn't show in apps, it just works when your using terminal emulator.

If you were using rom manager you can reboot into recovery with that, or flash the alternative recovery and then use that, simple power up while hold the 'x' key on the slide out keyboard, menus pop up. Volume the up and down directory navigation and camera button is select. Power button is a 'back' button.