Scripts in sapphire...?


May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Im coming from BB. And wanted to know if there are scripts like to remove the camera sound? sorry if this is a stupid question.
Yes there is. It took me a while to find them, but they are def. there.
cvpcs and sniffle made a script with all scripts needed called scripty box. i dont run sapphire so im not sure how to run it but its probably something like.


in terminal.
Sapphire 1.0.0 Scripty Box (Scripts):
Go into terminal type "su" press "enter" then type desired script

adblock (turns ads on or off in the browser/apps)
camsounds (turns camera shutter/record sounds on or off)
compcache (turns compcache on/off)
cpuinfo (display CPU info)
halt (shuts down the system)
meminfo (display memory info)
mtdinfo (display internal system partition info)
rmapk (remove various APKs, such as amazon mp3 and whatnot)
sysro (mounts the system partition read-only)
sysrw (mounts the system partition read-write)
swapinfo (displays swap space info)
switchapk (downloads and swaps between various apps, i.e. milestone and 2.1 music, without the need to put them on the sd card)
zipalign_apks (zipaligns ALL apks on the entire system)
sapphire 1.0.0 scripty box (scripts):
Go into terminal type "su" press "enter" then type desired script

adblock (turns ads on or off in the browser/apps)
camsounds (turns camera shutter/record sounds on or off)
compcache (turns compcache on/off)
cpuinfo (display cpu info)
halt (shuts down the system)
meminfo (display memory info)
mtdinfo (display internal system partition info)
rmapk (remove various apks, such as amazon mp3 and whatnot)
sysro (mounts the system partition read-only)
sysrw (mounts the system partition read-write)
swapinfo (displays swap space info)
switchapk (downloads and swaps between various apps, i.e. Milestone and 2.1 music, without the need to put them on the sd card)
zipalign_apks (zipaligns all apks on the entire system)

thanks so much!
You can also just type 'scriptybox' and press the enter key to see a list of the scripts that you can run.
Since I know next to nothing about scripts I have a simple question since I don't want to mess my phone up. If I want to get rid of say Amazon MP3 all I have to do is:

1. go into terminal and type SU enter
2. type rmapk mp3

And that is it? Sounds easy enough.

Also when you just type scriptybox to get the list of commands, what is genie and spare?
Yes that will work, do su in lowecase though.

Genie is the News and Weather widget, Spareparts is a utility for modifying system settings. I'd recommend getting rid of Genie if you don't use it.
I guess "freemem" script isn't operational? It showed a "fix me" on their script wiki page.
I guess "freemem" script isn't operational? It showed a "fix me" on their script wiki page.

I think the "Fix Me" refers to the lack of documentation, not a broken script. IMHO I'd leave the FREEMEM set to default though. :)

Exactly. I still need to remind cvpcs to just remove those... people have no reason to be using them.

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