Self downloading apps?


New Member
Mar 29, 2012
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This is the 5th day I've had my phone, and just about 20 minutes ago it turned off randomly while I was using it. My fingers were nowhere near the power button... The first time happened I was reading a news application and listening to pandora. The second time it happened I was merely browsing, and I had just saved an image of Batman being pulled over by the cops, and 30 seconds later it shut off again. The image is 13.6 kb, and opens fine, so I seriously doubt it's that. While it was rebooting from it's random shut down, it got to the HTC screen, then restarted 2 or 3 times, and then loaded fine, but took about 45 seconds-1 minute on the 4G screen. Then on my homescreen is an app shortcut called Apps, and it's purple and says GAMES&APPS, when I open it it takes me to handango apps and has crap for me to download.

I googled this in as many different ways as I could think, along with handango, and all I could find was that it's a blackberry app thing, but even that info seemed contradictory. I couldn't find anything related to a phone being hacked and handango, except some bluetooth hacks that you can download from handango.. What the hell? This is strange as hell, and making me really nervous. Should I just contact wirefly and initiate the return for a faulty device?
I believe its just included with some apps. I downloaded an airpush detector and got rid of an app I recently installed that had ads like that.

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I can't find it with airpush, been checking all day. I found a website that uninstalling updates and clearing data from marketplace should work, the guy who posted the problem said that that solution worked for him, so here's hopin'. Regardless though I gotta' send this baby back. The phone is too amazing to have to worry about it crapping on me 3 months down the road and being unable to get a new one without jumping through hoops.
No just my device. The app hasn't come back up, and everything runs flawlessly, even my battery exceeds my expectations - except for the shutting down randomly. Done it a couple more times.