sending pictures in text


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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am i missing something? i am trying to send a picture or video via text and says it is too big. never had a problem before with my other phone. i have tried all the settings. can anyone help me?
When taking your pictures with the camera change the settings -

Press Menu > Settings > Quality > Normal

Then you'll be able to send the pictures. For videos -

Press Menu > Settings > Recording Time > 30 seconds

That should do the trick!
that sounds like a terrible work around, you should not have to change the settings on the camera and video to get it to go through.
that sounds like a terrible work around, you should not have to change the settings on the camera and video to get it to go through.

There is really no other way to do it. At the standard settings an average picture is around 1.2MB and Verizon has a 500K file size limit on MMS.
Yeah I just wish that the limits would be raised some. I mean it seems like they aren't keep up with the growing of technology. If you have a camera that can take 5 mp pictures, you should be able to send them. I know i'm only dreaming. seems like they aren't keep up with the growing of technology...

They're scheduled to roll out their 4G network next year so hopefully this will bring a wave of changes that we have all been waiting for. Including the ability to send MMS messages without degrading their quality.
I agree 100%. From everything i've heard the LTE network is AMAZING. So i can only hope the same thing.