setting up school email


Dec 27, 2009
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Does anyone know how to set up their school email account? I am not very knowledgeble on what all the settings mean. I currently have it forwarded to my gmail which is set up but I would rather have it directly linked. I go to the univeristy of illinois and my email is. Thanks
U need to talk to your school's tech people and ask then what type it is and u need to get the servers and ports. If u ask, they will probably help you.
True that. Is it hosted on exchange? Or livemail...Google etc. My school tech people were of no help and I set up my own exchange based email after much trial and error.
Yea that's the thing I have no idea what hosted or exchange or any of those settings mean. Good idea about the tech I will give them a call and ask them tomorrow, that's what they are there for anyway